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Landsknecht - Recruiting
Current Level:30
Current Classes:Militia,Skirmisher,Heavy Skirmisher
Intended ClassesTongueikeman
Reason for joining LK:Heard it was a pretty good house
I am happy to invite you, but under the circumstance that we do not know you, you will be under surveillance for about a week. If during that week you prove you are a capable member of the community, then you are more than welcome to move up to being a full member.  You may also wish to include your character ID number so I can send the invite Tongue
oh ok thanks ID is:2455930
Sent, welcome to the club  8)
hey can you resend the invite pls it has a error i deleted it.
Name: Vdude
Character ID:2448619
Current Level: 52
Current Classes: Sergeant/ Heavy Skirmisher/ Crossbowman
Intended Classes: Pikeman/ Heavy Infantry
Reason for joining LK: I need a house to trade items and gold between my characters, and my old house was inactive.

Name: Psijic_Vdu (Psijic is my old house)
Character ID: 2447025
Current Level: 42
Current Classes: Sharpshooter
Intended Classes: Sharpshooter/ Skirmisher

Name: Psijic_Vdud
Character ID: 2456089
Current Level: 18
Current Classes: Longbowman
Intended Classes: Sniper/ Heavy Infantry
Mighty_Vdude - Level 52 - Halberdier
Mighty_Vdu - Level 44 - Commando/Crossbowman
Mighty_Vdud - Level 39 - Sniper
I am doing some house cleaning now.  If you find yourself removed and would like an invite back, message me.
Landsknecht is now invite only.
Finally cleaned this place up Tongue
Also on NI TS and IRC.
Commando: [Lemon]
Sniper: SK_LemonAde
Some of you may have already heard, but here is the official post.  Landsknecht is disbanding.  The captains and I spent a long time discussing this and have decided it would be best for all if we disbanded.  It was a pleasure having you all and we wish you luck in all of your future pursuits.  Many other houses would be glad to take on such talented and loyal warriors.  Marlowe, Orca, and I will remain in the house until we can find a new one suitable to the three of us.

We are doing this of our own volition and it is not the fault of any players either inside or outside of the house.  We had many great runs, slew many mighty Nords, and enjoyed each other's company well.  I look forward to seeing you all out on the battlefield in the future not as leader and house members, but as Swadians fighting for our land and what we hold dear. 

It was a pleasure fighting alongside you all.

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