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NordInvasion Weekly Event #33 - (Sign Up Thread)26th, 27th April
Welcome to the Official Event #33!

This time we have event on saturday  and only 1 server.


Sign up below using the format provided Big Grin.

[countdown=5,4,2013,19,00]The event has started.[/countdown]

Event Time
19:00 BST (British Summer Time)
20:00 CEST (Central European Time)
21:00 EEST (Eastern European  Time)
11:00 PDT (Pacific Daylight Time)
14:00 EDT (Eastern Daylight Time)
04:30 CDT (Australian Central Time) [next day]

If you dont know what time zone you are in go here:

We will all gather in a dedicated channel in the Nord Invasion Teamspeak (, 15-20 minutes before the event begins. The password will be given out in TS, when you will all be able to join the server.  (This is required for the event, a microphone however is not unless you wish to be captain)

If you wish to join the event please post the following:

Character Name: 
Server Choice: Either Hard (H) or Normal (N)
Volunteer to be Captain?SadOptional)

[i]For information about the roles please check this thread

Remember to follow these rules

Depending on the numbers we may need extra Captains so please state if you wish to take the lead - you will be responsible for organising the defences, managing the team and also assigning medals to the players that you think deserve them (again, check the thread mentioned above for more information).

          Shielder (0)         
|        Attacker (0)          
|        Skirmisher (0)         
|    Archer (0)             
|        Sharpshooter (0)         
|        Medic (0)         
|        Engineer (0)         
|        Reserved (0)         

(The [H] or [N] next to the players name indicates Hard or Normal server, Sa or Su will indicate Saturday or Sunday)[i]

Players in [i]italics
are repeated in various roles.

Players with (Capt) next to their name have volunteered to be a Captain

Maps in consideration:

The map will therefore be:
Mountain Pass:0/0
mountain outpost:0/0
Lake town:0/0

Remember, If you perform well in the event, you may earn yourself a medal!

[glow=red,2,300]Please also keep the spam in this thread to a minimum - that means only post if you are signing up or have questions relevant to the event.[/glow]

Discussion Thread
"Deer": i want to go to sleep, but i might wake up and not have a house anymore
"Deer": and CC would have grown
"Deer": i wish people would pay me to do things i dont know how to do
Character Name:  [UK]_ThrowerOfBananas
Level: 45
Class: Pikeman, Inf
Equipment: Sarissa, Jarids
Role: Skirmisher
Server Choice: Hard
Fri/Sat: Saturday
Map: FUS
Volunteer to be Captain?:Sure
YunYun "I would do a lot of things to your face"
Yuri "Yes, Yes! Use me!
Takeo  "hey hey, I'm man on trust"
Diamond "I'm not an idiot!"
Hande "it makes you to be my.. son ?"
Kip "Mmm, I love unbuilt cades on stairs"
Rammy "Pls"
Tarrod "should I show you my biceps or wat"
Character Name:  IRK_human_being
Level: 52
Class: Commando
Equipment: 3 x Royal, Barrel
Role: Shielder
Server Choice: Either Hard (H)
Sat/Sun: both
Map: FuS
Volunteer to be Captain?: if nana doesn't show up, i'd volunteer.
'Who needs social life if you have double experience?' -yuri
Character Name:  IRK_Gimli_III
Level: 42
Class: Pikeman
Equipment: Jarids
Role: Skirmisher
Server Choice: Hard
Sat/Sun: Saturday and Friday
Map: FUS
Volunteer to be Captain?:No
Character Name: Aegis_vovgre
Level: 50
Class: Commando
Equipment: 2 x Royale, Dragon axe, barrel
Role: Defender (Shielder) ////8th time in a row/////
Server Choice: Hard
Map: FUS
Sat/Fri: Both if possible(?)
Volunteer to be Captain?: no

For both if you can ^_^
Character Name:  IRK_Germanicus
Level: ~44
Class: Pikeman
Equipment: Polehammer, Jarids
Role: Slasher, Throwing
Server Choice: H
Sat/Fri: Both.
Map: Mountain Pass
Volunteer to be Captain?: Nope.
Character Name: Aegis_Lord_Baron
Level: 52
Class: Commando
Equipment:Royal Shield, Dragon Axe, War Hammer
Role: Shielder/Slasher
Server Choice: Hard
Map: FUS
Volunteer to be Captain?: no

For both fr/sat plz
Character Name: Aegis_Gutsman
Level: 52
Class: 0/4/1/1
Equipment: SKS, Highlander claymore(possibly Aurora)
Role: Attacker
Server Choice: Hard
Sat/Fri: Both
Map: FUS
Volunteer to be Captain?: No
Character Name: McBone
Level: 46
Class: Sharpeshooter
Equipment: Arbalest, Normal Cade (may burrow/buy better till event)
Role: Tin-Can Opener, Low lvl Bot Slasher (just on normal till skirmi), Peek & Shoot Countershooter - What Sharpeshooter needs to do
Server Choice: Either Hard (H) or Normal (N)
Sat/Fri: Friday
Map: FuS
Volunteer to be Captain?: Nope
Skalarhaubitze - Da haste gar keine Chance mehr, da haste nur noch die Platin-Arschkarte.
McBone: 0204 Old-Shool-Babo in progress                  
Earl_Grey: 0400 Wannebe Fearsome Knight
Arthius_Routburg: 0030 Face Stabber
Fluffy_Boner_Boy: 0100 crazy shit
Character Name:  Aegis_Gismo_II
Level: 52
Class: Sniper
Equipment: Fiendish bronze surgeon kit etc
Role: shooting nords
Server Choice: hard
Sat/Fri: Friday, both if possible
Map: First Def.
Volunteer to be Captain?:No

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