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WTS Onyx Bolts
(05-05-2013, 08:02 PM)Carolus Rex link Wrote: Dragon Axe, Heavy Sturmhaube, Pikeman's Heavy Plated Vest, Bear Gauntlets, Arbalest, Sugarloaf HelmetSnake Halberd, Heavy Cade and 200k.
Nice offer and I know how much you want them back, but:

Already have a Dragon Axe (will sell my old one so it´s ok), Heavy Sturmhaube very nice!, Heavy Plated also nice, Bear Gauntlets ok, already have Arbalest, Sugarloaf nice, Snake Halberd really nice, already have Heavy Cade, 200k nice Smile

(05-05-2013, 08:05 PM)Winter link Wrote: 1.5 million, Repeater Crossbow, Arbalest, and Aurora Blade
Very nice offer, but also:

1.5M nice, already have Arbalest, Repeater nice, AB awesome *-*
Would you prefer two aurora blades?

And, of course, there are some other things I could try to add like 19 Wood of Glasir or 13 Sulphur.
2 Aurora would be awesome Smile
I added a Worm Bane, but I can also add a Trans.
[Image: sigasdasd.png]
AW CHEESE! And fuck Worm Banes
Alpha, you know that the second best offer is much more worth then the first! Aurora 7 mil, Fearsome 7 mil, Trans 3 mil! 17 mil!
?.?.12 - Wormbane
4.6.18 - Penetrator

[Image: 76561198058198743.png]
Just said these are the best offers, not that it is the second best offer. But I really like those armours, so it´s a highest offer for me.
Trans + Heavy plated + Thunderpike + Black Sturmhaube
[move][align=center] S[color=blue]o[color=green]p[color=purple]h[color=brown]i[color=teal]e[/move]
[align=center][Image: whnwaa.jpg]
Ahhhh always new highest offers now, maybe I should make something like an auction. Who s willing to pay most will get them. Because I really can´t decide, but I definitely will sell them today.
Ok I´m going to accept an offer now, Striker will get these bolts then, if you really want them yourself or don´t want Striker to get them, bid more, only now!

His offer:

Trans + Heavy Plated + Crossed + Royal + 3 Scales

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