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Material Drop List
Well I know everyone says how devs change stuff around and this list of drops will never be made, but I still feel like we should have one anyways. At least for the time being and I'll update it if there will be any changes in the near future.

So I made a list of the drops I've been getting from the specific nords. All the mats marked with * means it's unconfirmed by me and only what I heard of. Or if it was listed in The Nord Beastiary topic made by Winter, it will be marked as *. You should aslo check that topic out if you want to know at what waves does this nords spawn. 

Alright so the time has come, new version of NI was released and it's time we start gathering new material drop list. With new Hard mode we will start a complete new list and re-do the Ragnarok which is similar to the old Hard outdated one. However most of the old list is still correct so I'll be re-adding confirmed stuff back to the new list from what we already know before. Also please add the name of the mode to your posts so I know for which mode you posted the loots. Don't just toss in the nord names and loots.

[glow=red,2,300][shadow=red,left]RAGNAROK MODE:[/shadow][/glow]
[glow=red,2,300][shadow=red,left]HARD MODE:[/shadow][/glow]
[glow=red,2,300][shadow=red,left]NORMAL MODE:[/shadow][/glow]
[glow=red,2,300][shadow=red,left]CAVALRY MODE:[/shadow][/glow]
* - Unconfirmed by me. Just what people said and without the picture proof.
* - Listed in The Nord Beastiary and yet not confirmed by me but should be correct.
If there's no mark it means it was confirmed by me and should be correct.

Here you can find the outdated old list since of 27th, May 2013 (some of the loot may still be correct tho)
That's it for now, I'll update it as soon as I get more info or you guys can post of what you know that might be missing and I'll add it in Smile.

Note: This is only for material drops not weapons.
[Image: dpcfmq0qegd53mozg.jpg]
Loki Kills: 365
Thor Kills: 333
Odin Kills: 263
Prince Kills: 404
King Ragnar Kills: 258

House Crafting: Support 39, Defender 33, Attacker 30
  Alchemist: Lvl 36
Blacksmith: Lvl 21
Armorsmith: Lvl 32
Ok nice Nka. I will help out, starting with Hard.

Nord Veteran Soldier
1x Wolf Teeth Necklace

Nord Veteran Pikeman
3x Bent Swords

Nord Soldier
Drop more *I think* like hardened metal, cloth and wolf teeth necklace, but I might be getting confused with the veterans.

Eastern Elite Mercanary
1x Heavy Cloth

Follower Of Vanagdar (Missed these guys)
1x Raven Feather

Battle Priest
1x Small Lump of Lead (Add the small to avoid any confusion)

Master Hunter
Do they really drop wood of glasir?

Spawn of Loki
1x Heavy Cloth
1x Wolf Teeth Necklace
Haven't had 3x Wood myself

Nord Sniper
1x Wood of Glasir
Haven't had 5x old boots myself

Add the 1x for the scale
Pretty sure they don't drop coal

Bear Clan
Add the 1x for the fur

Einherjar Sniper
1x Heavy Cloth
1x Sulphur
I think these are the guys that drop the zinc not the rangers, not sure though.

Thors Chosen
1x Raven Feather
I also think devs might have added more here

Also, you are missing Odin's Chosen (Who drop raven feathers *I think*) and you have Heimdallr but no other bosses, obviously they don't drop materials, but still. You may also might want to order it in the wave rotation they appear. There are other normal mode bots that do also spawn in hard mode in wave 17 and 19, but if they are in normal it shouldn't matter.
Nord Intruder
Add the nord, you have this consistantly throughout except on a couple

Nord Field Levies
As above

Nord Pikeman
Steel? Not for me, but there are a couple of bots that do drop steel like the one I am about to post.

Hired Blade
1x Steel

Hungry Zhugs
1x Coal
There is some other bot that drops coal as well, can't remember which though.

Nord Repeaterman
Yes, comfirmed, they do drop Zinc shard.

Obviously as you said you are skipping the basic materials, I can't think if you are missing other bots that drop something.
Quote:Nord Soldier
Drop more *I think* like hardened metal, cloth and wolf teeth necklace, but I might be getting confused with the veterans.

I focused on that question for money hours of soloing and 'Nord Soldiers' do not drop HM, Wolf Teeth Necklaces and Stuff.
As you said, not to be mistaken as 'Nord Veteran Soldiers' Smile

Quote:Hungry Zhugs
1x Coal
There is some other bot that drops coal as well, can't remember which though.
Either it's the Hersir wave or the Crazed Blademasters.


Mercenary Sargeant
1 x Steel
'Who needs social life if you have double experience?' -yuri
Winter also tells me...

4x Coal

Thors Chosen
1x Scale of Fafnir
I started something like this a few weeks ago by making a screenshot whenever something previously unseen dropped.


Nord Serf - Bent Sword, Spurn Berry
Nord Peasant - Crooked Stick, Old Boots, Frying Pan
Nord Farm Hand - Old Boots
Nord Farmer - Crooked Stick
Nord Priest - Bent Sword
Nord Intruder - Bone Shard
Nord Slaver - Old Boots
Nord Prisoner - Old Boots
Nord Militia - Old Boots
Nord Recruit - Bent Sword
Nord Levy Militia - Crooked Stick
Nord Scrub - Bent Sword
Nord Field Levies - Bone Shard
Nord Town Guard - Bent Sword
Nord Town Watch - Crooked Stick
Nord Trained Recruit - Bent Sword
Nord Conscript - Crooked Stick
Nord Follower - Old Boots, Crooked Stick
Nord Sergant - Battleaxe
Nord Chuff - Bent Sword, Coal
Nord Brute - Bone Shard, One Handerd Battle Axe
Hungry Zhug - Coal
Nord Hirdman - Bent Sword
Mercenery Zweihander - Coal
Nord Huntsman - Old Boots, Crooked Stick, Nem Flower,Twisted String
Nord Trapper - Twisted String
Nord Skirmisher - Bent Sword, Sparkly Necklace
Nord Capitan - Nordic Short War Sword, Sparkly Necklace
Nord Pikeman - Wood, Chain
Mercenary Sargeant - Bent Sword
Nord Trooper - Shade Ore
Nord Ulfhedin - Twisted String
Sword Sister - Sparkly Necklace
Eastern Adventurer - Sparkly Necklace
Nord Veteran Pikeman - 3 x Bent Sword, 3 x Wood, Hardened Metal, Wolf Teeth Necklace, 2 x Chain
Nord Ranger - 4 x Old Boots
Nord Chosen Huscarl - Scale of Fafnir


Nord Soldier - Sparkly Necklace
Nord Veteran Soldier - 3 x Cloth, Wood, Bone Powder, Sturdy Wood, Hardened Metal, Wolf Teeth Necklace, Chain
Whalers of Ekki - Sulphur, Wood of Glasir
Spawn of Loki - Hardened Metal, 3 x Wood
Eastern Elite Mercenery - Sturdy Wood, Heavy Cloth
Varangian Guard - Hardened Metal, Sturdy Wood, Heavy Cloth, 2 x Chain, Wolf Teeth Necklace, 3 x Wood
Followers of Hati - Bronze Arrowhead, Wood of Glasir
Einherjar - 3 x Coal, 2 x Shade Ore
Nord Champion Huscarl - 3 x Bone powder
Nord Battle Priest - 3 x Antiseptic Cloth
Nord Master Hunter - Heavy Cloth, Bronze Arrowhead, Wolf Teeth Necklace
Nord Sniper - 5 x Crooked Stick
Nord Crazed Berserker - Wolf Teeth Necklace, 2 x Coal
Valkyrie - Water of Hvelgermir
BoS_Niezdara - LVL 52 Repeaterman - Blacksmith LVL 22 | BoS_Niezdara_Guard - LVL 52 Royal Guard - Armorsmith LVL 25 | BoS_Niezdara_Peltast - LVL 52 Master Peltast - Alchemist LVL 25 | BoS_Niezdara_Warden - LVL 52 Warden
Great stuff right here.

A mate of mine once found a zinc shard of a normal mode chosen huscarl , so i guess they drop those to.
Updated Smile.


Yah I think it was Hersirs that I got also coal from.

Nice, I'll add the missing ones. Are they 100% correct? =) I didn't know Hati also drops Wood of Glasir Tongue.

[Image: dpcfmq0qegd53mozg.jpg]
Loki Kills: 365
Thor Kills: 333
Odin Kills: 263
Prince Kills: 404
King Ragnar Kills: 258

House Crafting: Support 39, Defender 33, Attacker 30
  Alchemist: Lvl 36
Blacksmith: Lvl 21
Armorsmith: Lvl 32
All listed drops were screenshooted (well, except Valkyrie and Nord Chosen Huscarl actually). Unfortunatelly I no longer have that particular screenshot - I deleted most of them after data had been added to the list.

I'm pretty sure that Hersirs don't drop coal - Zweihanders and Zhugs drop it. Chuffs' coal drop rate seems to be lowered greatly and now its quite rare to get it from them - I suspect it might be the main reason for rising coal prices.
BoS_Niezdara - LVL 52 Repeaterman - Blacksmith LVL 22 | BoS_Niezdara_Guard - LVL 52 Royal Guard - Armorsmith LVL 25 | BoS_Niezdara_Peltast - LVL 52 Master Peltast - Alchemist LVL 25 | BoS_Niezdara_Warden - LVL 52 Warden
Nord Hersir can drop shadre ore

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