17-08-2014, 08:57 PM
A elegant crossbow should be fine for first
Legendary Loots: Illustrious 28th October 2014
What should I get next?
17-08-2014, 08:57 PM
A elegant crossbow should be fine for first
Legendary Loots: Illustrious 28th October 2014
18-08-2014, 12:31 AM
Sell or trade Arb for a Elegant.
18-08-2014, 02:54 AM
I would go for swadian gauntlets and an elegant crossbow. Getting better gauntlets is usually a much cheaper way to increase your armor value without adding extra weight. Next would be Bronze bolts; the extra damage and ammo capacity is great. Once you have those things I would go for crossed (I know you don't think 4 armor is worth it but trust me, it is) and then a hero class crossbow, either the big shot or eastern repeater depending on your preferred play style. As Dr mentioned in an earlier post you could also craft a Heroes Mercy. It's a beautiful weapon but if you don't find yourself in melee much I would go for the other items I've mentioned first. Hope this helps.
18-08-2014, 04:09 AM
I don't know about you, but Crossed Sharpshooter's Mail helps with tier/hero identification sometimes. I advise you to get a big shot, though it seems that not many people want to get rid of theirs so you might have to craft one. I went Pavise and use a regular repeater so there is always various combinations you could try. If you don't get Crossed, Swadian Gauntlets will substitute the difference in armor, although Crossed helps quite a bit. I honestly believe that a heavy barricade is more worth it for the area of defense for ranged characters. Elegant is decent for the tradeoff on an arbalest, but people find it hard to let go of most of the time from what I've seen, you will need to balance them a bit of cash. A bit of gold on hand is always nice for these deals. Remember that having a thread up and people knowing about it will take advantage of the leverage they have on you needing/wanting the gear and your offers by raising them. I use a Bastard Sword because I'm too cool for the guys above me
18-08-2014, 11:06 AM
Thank you for all the advice! Topic Closed.
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