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WTS:Swadian poleaxe,. crazy prices
All sold
Thunder Pike?
Not enough, and got one already.
Sunpike for repeater ?
Nikolskoe Helmet 900k
Wormbane 2.5 mil

thats 3.4 mil for the repeater? all the pikeman stuff i own worth anything is the nikolskoe and my snake spear, i do love my snake spear tho
mmm,not quite enough,and don't want a worm bane
fair enough =) thats about what i bought my old one for
heavy plated vest and a nikolskoe helm for the repeater
VLKA_Benschie - Royal Guard, lvl 22 Alchemist
VLKA_Tanngnjostr - Master Peltast, lvl 16 Blacksmith
VLKA_Tanngrisnir - Marauder, lvl 19 Armorsmith
VLKA_Victim - Warden, lvl 37 Arrow Magnet
What is the average price for the vengeance, im going to start collecting to get one Tongue
Just need to know how much to collect or gold worth

thanks Big Grin
No one expects the Spanish Inquisition !
Around 450k-500k.

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