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WTB Commando Gear
All the items i can trade:

War Arrows
Rough Smallring
350k Cash
ALL mats for def gauntlets except the phoenix feather

Looking for:
Defender Shield
Dreaded Warpick  (i could offer for example: def gauntlets, barrel)
Fearsome (barrel, sarissa, gnez)
Trans (sarissa)
Def Gauntlets (together with boots: sarissa)
Def Boots
Update and Bump
Butcher or Boarding axe for 400k?
Or sugarloaf for 400k?
visored salat 390k
/▌ = Mimer
/ \
sry, i dont like butcher or boarding and im going to be a hero-shielder Wink
for the sugarloaf: no ty, cash is too worthy atm, its just for legendarys or high-end craftables.
i have a steel cutter , very fast weapon
nah, i want a dwp.
350k sugarloaf? best i can do
Reopened, gismo cancelled our deal.

i ONLY look for the items listed in the op
Are you want Dragon Axe

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