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feedback on economy
I'm playing this awesome mod more than two years now and would like to share my opinion about in game economy which is somehow in recession just like in real world . Although I'm not economist and I can't fix world's economy here is what I think could improve Ni economy:
-limited market range of armors and weapons (no more than 2 weapons and armors for each class on each tier)
-most of armory and weaponry, materials(ingredients), supports craftable
-market should be used as price controller for materials, what in turn with almost all things craftable would control prices of all other things
That is all what I can come up with for now and in my humble opinion would help.
Maybe You guys got some other good ideas or totally different view on the topic
Lets debate
ps. sry for my English its pretty noobish I know that. Hope I stated myself clear enough 8)
you so crazy....

the market's fine. Just buy low/sell high..unless you have to sell low. And if you don't want to, then don't sell.
and I almost actually got angry when i saw:
Quote:-limited market range of armors and weapons (no more than 2 weapons and armors for each class on each tier)

...also make friends. That helps alot. I've given low level armors and weapons away to new player for free/REALLY cheap if i like them
Deerheart: Royal ShielDeer | Eikthyrnir: Antlered Legionnaire | Cernunnos: Pavise ShielDeer | CerynianHind: Master of Pelts | Hart_Or: HalberDeer | Furcifer: Warden of the Wood
to be honest tho
it is hard getting the high level craftables, but thats kind of expected. I don't ever expect that i'll have enough money to buy a legendary.
I stay in mid range of decent craftable items.
Alot of it seems to be luck with the people that have really nice stuff, because the got an awesome drop.
I have never gotten a lump, sulphur, zinc, or anything like that.
The market fluctuates.
like real life
Deerheart: Royal ShielDeer | Eikthyrnir: Antlered Legionnaire | Cernunnos: Pavise ShielDeer | CerynianHind: Master of Pelts | Hart_Or: HalberDeer | Furcifer: Warden of the Wood
The economy about 6 months ago was atrocious. There was no money sinks implemented to the market place, this meant that people were accumulating huge amounts of gold without any reason to trade them.

Legendaries back then were only traded for high tier craftables or other legendaries, if you were to offer gold then you would be required to trade a lot of it to actually get the item.

The first fully fledged money sink was when the alchemist class got an upgrade to include the old donators weapons & armour. This money sink introduced the phenix feather priced at 1m and a couple of other lower priced items, after this implementation gold was finally reducing and it was a god send.

More gold sinks were added with the house crafting system, this dramatically reduced the amount of gold being accumulated by clans and houses as they were making the new top tier armours and weapons.

And from the most recent update the hero classes have added another gold sink of 750k.

The market place range currently does not reflect the sheer number of items in the game, you have to remember that the market place when you are a low level is overwhelming! The amount of customisation is very useful while levelling up. Choosing the right armours at the right time can mean making a worthwhile investment, or wasting it all for 10 minutes of fun. Removing these items would make the game dull.

The marketplace is also a very dangerous thing to use a price calculator. A lot of the items you see on the marketplace have been inflated in price to an extent that they will never sell. People then assume these prices are actually selling and base all of their assumptions off them.

Honestly I don't think the game is in recession otherwise there would be a hell of a lot more people complaining about things being overpriced.
What he just said ...

And NI is 2 years old ? You must have a 3 digits character ID ... oh wait, that doesn't exist.
Well it also seems winter has 8/10 of the money in NI anyway so  :Smile

With current wide  market range most of  players are quite comfortable with armors and weapons available there (coz they are cheap and good comparing to the same tier of craftable ones) That causing standstill for craftsmen , they are forced to sell their goods below production costs or stack them up which isn't  profitable . I know it from my own experience  , on 52 lv I'm still ok with tier 4 market armor and weapon even on ragnarok . What I would like to see is to make economy relying more on craftsmanship. That would reward all commitment and time spent to develop these skills. It would work also good for low lv craftsmen.
It would be difficult to reward crafting monetarily without introducing some sort of other cost to crafting, but timers and such aren't really any fun.

Can't really earn money as a craftsman if people are willing to do it for free, or pay to do it for the exp.
I realize that it is complex matter and need lots of thoughts therefore worth to discuss .
After all  at least for me interesting and just economy takes game to the entirely new lv makes it more playable.
I don't want to go to far with my ideas but forum is the place where people talks so I mention this as well
Why not to make craftsmenship available from certain lv. f.e. 20?

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