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WTS: Sugarloaf
Hello everyone,
After playing with this awesome and SEXY commando helmet, I decided to sell this one.
I hope for some offers around the 200k.
I'm interested in cash, waters or oil of velentr.

PM me or post offers below. Have a nice day!
FYI, it was buffed in 0.5.1 to 63 head armor. Wink
I was never here, you saw nothing...

Motivational tip: When you wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and say confidently, "That's a nice head you have on your shoulders."
And Grinder to 60 by the way  Big Grin
Ahh thanks guys. Smile
Deal 200k
CC_Ribs - Commando: Level 47

CC_Ribs_II - Sniper: Level 43
Prince kills - 2
150k + grinder helmet +  6 hardened metal
You fight, you win.
No need for the helmet, if you can offer something else for grinder, than we have a deal.
i could add a steel sword or a sks if you need one of that.(also able to add:normal cade)
You fight, you win.

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