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How is my gear for my current level and tier, and how long will it serve me for?
Currently level 6 and Militia

Military Scythe (I'm pretty sure it isn't the best one I could get at the moment, but it was only 25 gold at the auction hall)
Old heather Sword
Worn Darts (will upgrade to crafted javelins as soon as I get the mats)
Steppe Cap
Eastern Brown Robes
Ankle Boots

It's nothing special, but I mainly just wanted to get away from the "red shirt" default items.
It all depends on your class. Just buy the best marketplace gear at each tier until t4 when you can afford better than marketplace gear. At t3 you should consider increasing your support tier to bring in useful gear to help the team. One of the most important things is to bring in good support gear. If you plan on participating in a hard run I suggest bringing in at least a normal barricade (20k t2 support tinkerer) Or normal medic boxes (Around 5-10k t2 nurse).
Milita (upgradeable to the skirmishers and pikeman) is an interesting class to level up, because it pushes melee xp over ranged xp.  I found that the extremely low level of armor on a pikeman makes it extremely difficult to melee, even with a polearm (which tends to be slow, in my opinion.)  If I were leveling up a pikeman again, I would sink my money into better throwing weapons, and not bother with a polearm.  Then put all your assist XP into melee.

Craftable javs are a good option, and would probably serve you well until T4.  Definitely save your gold and/or mats to get craftable throwing spears when you hit T4.

As a side note, don't get discouraged with your accuracy, it DRASTICALLY improves when you hit T4 Smile
VM_Gazma_Swordmaster - lvl 52 Zweihander
VM_Gazma_Pikemaster - lvl 52 Pikeman
VM_Gazma_Bowmaster - lvl 52 Sentinel

Legendaries: AHAHAHAHAHA
^^This is some good advice^^.  When leveling it is much better (usually) to pump xp into melee as the conversion from assist to melee is much more favorable (0.5 instead of 0.4 ranged or 0.2 gold).  Also, as Gazma pointed out, as a low level it is much easier to get kills sitting behind the cades throwing at bots.  This gives you direct ranged xp and tends to keep you alive longer leading to more assist xp as well.
    If you want to be a strong asset to the team then 100% focus on support class.  Generally speaking a higher number of engineers are needed in servers over medics.  Normal barricades are very inexpensive for how helpful they are.  I sell them for ~10-12k and know many veteran players who are willing to pretty much give them away for free just so that newer players will actually bring something helpful to the team.  If you can't manage to get your hands on a barricade, the small ammo box is very inexpensive (I think you actually get them for free from a quest) and is very helpful on certain maps.  If you decide to go medic make sure to get a medic box (not the simple medic box, they are.. not the best).  Medics are amazing to have on a team especially when the person bringing them actually uses them (please don't just drop them in spawn ;P ). 
      Back to the gear.  Don't get frustrated with how crap most things are going to be.  Stick with the best marketplace stuff until t4.  Once you've reached that point you'll have a much better idea of what equipment you want to focus on getting first.
Both of these posts contain great advice for leveling a pikeman.
i leveled my first pikeman with craftable javs and eastern brown robes armor til t3 (craftable javs are way better than any marketplace throwable available until t4 imo), dumping all assist into melee and support. This helps you get to t3 quicker as well.
skirm was one of the most fun and easy classes to level imo, and when you get to t3 (after leveling yr support up and getting a support item), you have access to swadian halberd.

ps. there are some craftable javs on AH for about 7-8k (a little cheaper than buying mats if you're doing that(
Deerheart: Royal ShielDeer | Eikthyrnir: Antlered Legionnaire | Cernunnos: Pavise ShielDeer | CerynianHind: Master of Pelts | Hart_Or: HalberDeer | Furcifer: Warden of the Wood
Send me your character id and il give you a set of craftable javs for free, ive had them for ages and have been looking to give them away Smile
Don't suicide yourself. Bradapple 07/01/2015

And last thing im gonna say is dont make my point to another way. - Gandhi
Ruff, you just look like a scrub doing that.

Don, like others I suggest just leveling and buying marketplace armor for the time being, when your tier four I suggest trying to get into a house that does regular events.
''If Turtle can loot, anybody can.''

Sexual Healer of NI

"He took the pike out of my hands before my body even touched the ground." - Nana
"you can sexually heal me any day" - Xen and Bradapple

25/03/2018 - Shield of Kings
11/10/2018 - Imperial Halfplate - Red

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