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WTS Steel Cutter

I'm selling this one handed for around 300-350k
I'm looking for :
- HM
- Heavy Cloth and Cloth
- Scrap Metal (usual mats ^^)
And gold.

Good evening ! Smile
Imperial_Eagle, Legionnaire by trade
And bump !
Imperial_Eagle, Legionnaire by trade
Hey, I'd like to know what you think about about these items:
Of course I can add more, but only if it has to be - I'm saving money for a [glow=red,2,30000000]Wall Cade[/glow]
Hmm what ? x)

The amount of Heavy Cloth is the exact number (110) I need. Well then, I don't really need the other mats. But to be honest a lot of people pmed me about the steel cutter so you can still try. Tongue
Imperial_Eagle, Legionnaire by trade
Anyway SOLD
Imperial_Eagle, Legionnaire by trade

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