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WTS/WTT Swadian Hope
Looking For Heavy War Hammer Or Royal Shield. Smile
Also crafting a barrel now so sulphur, HM and oil will also make me happy.

No matter what the offer, post below. Big Grin
I have 4 sulphur.Will be glad to trade it for some HM,lumps or money
As free as an eagle in the sky...
My chars
Headhunters_FireTroll-46 lvl commando+xbow
[DP]FireGoblin-45 lvl sniper+inf
Headhunters_FireOrc-21 lvl heavy crossbowman
DP_FireOgre-43 lvl pikeman
[Image: 21076638.png]
Through 'um up on the AH for 30,000
Pigface+900k+ snake halberd?
My in steam name is Phalangite Caesar
Butcher+Bronze Arrows
You really do have to try this Stupid but somehow amazing website out!
Also for every fish lover
Already have butcher...not bad caesar  Big Grin
So deal maybe? ;p
My in steam name is Phalangite Caesar
I already have pig face though Sad
2 is better than 1  :o
My in steam name is Phalangite Caesar

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