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wtc a Striped Armour(have all mats)
23.2.15 - Naval Glaive
08.3.15 - Naval Glaive
16.3.15 - Fearsome Knight Helmet
29.4.17 - Volcanic Daggers
29.5.18 - Rupturers
03.2.25 - Impervious
23.2.25 - Tiger Scale Armour

Fara: ''The World Trade Center was on 11.9.1998''

Fara: ''How old were you in 2012?''
Tonic: ''I was born in 1997''
Fara: ''So you were 17''
Do chk Crafting Guild of Nordului
You can be invited in the house Nordului for trading, in which case invitation costs need to covered (of course).
For service of crafting give us some crafting materials, eg. one worthy crafting material (heavy cloth, heavy metal, sturdy wood, twisted string, etc.).
Man I can craft you, no need to leave house xD

Read the House MOTD
Add me on Steam: xneoblasterx

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