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WTB  2-Handed swords
Hey, I'm looking for a good two handed sword for my Zweihander.
Pm me with offers plsSmile

Btw not too expensive
Some tips

1. Show what you can offer in full so you don't waste time talking to people that want a lot more than you have.

2. Find some 2hs you're looking for from idk the house crafting page and saying you're looking for them [name] [what I value it]

2b if you find anything hard to value put up a post [WTK] want to know.
(03-01-2019, 11:11 PM)Woody Wrote: Some tips

1. Show what you can offer in full so you don't waste time talking to people that want a lot more than you have.

2. Find some 2hs you're looking for from idk the house crafting page and saying you're looking for them [name] [what I value it]

2b if you find anything hard to value put up a post [WTK] want to know.
Thanks Woody, I'll remember that for next time
The truth is, try to craft it.
If you do it yourself, you can save a lot of gold on better things

7 Quality Grindstone
35 Hardened Metal
24 Bone Dust
20 Handle
7 Mixed Glue
5 Oil 12 Strap
Fiendish bow 17
Excalibur 18
Defender Armour 18
Eastern Full Scale 18
Glory 19
Dead Shot 19
Leather Overmail 19
Gloves of Vidar 20
Twigs of Iggdrasil 20
Bannerlord is a drunkard's bottle fight

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