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Armor Texture Bug
I have an ugly texture bug with the swadian heavy lamellar armor  :-\, it is ONLY for this armor, but the whole time it is shit and i dont have 2.3 mil :o to buy a trans so so please help me!!
Here are some Pics!

I am german so my english is very bad, sry for that. And i am not a computer expert, so maybe say it for idiots when you have a solution! Thanks!  Wink
Have you tried
Alt+Enter? (windowed mode, usually fixes some texture bugs)
Tried restarting?
Reinstalled module? (this isn't happening to me)
Try redownloading the BRF file
And the textures
WHat is the BRF file, how to "use" it? please Smile and thanks
They're resource files telling the game how to display stuff, extract it to NordInvasion/Resource
THANKS!!!  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
It works :
the armor looks so wonderful now Smile THANKS!
ughgh you are the best  :-*
But 1 question, where can i download this "other" BRF file? because with the next pacth it will get deletet? Or can i always use this one i downloaded yet?
That BRF hasn't been updated for ages, I doubt they're going to revamp them again

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