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Legendary Weapons quest
I was thinking if there could ever possibly be quests/ achievements for getting so many kills with a particular legendary

Say kills with cursed mercy as an example 0/100000
right? Im not sure if it would be able to go along the line of making the weapon slightly stronger because of completing this objective or if it should just be a pay out in gold, then do it with another weapon thought it would be a cool thing too add to the game and reasons for people to play with other legendaries and grind as well. 
Another option-(one that i favor more)A slight weapon bump for an individuals character using the particular weapon would be really cool because it would necessarily bump the weapon for the entire NI community unless completing the 100000 kills with the weapon then it could be earned. The gold payout is another motive of achieving this quest. 
I dont know if this is possible of making but if anyone wants to teach me things im more than willing to put in a lot of time to making this happen
I know it will be hard because technically the upgraded weapons would be classified as different weapons? Im not sure how that works but itd make things a whole lot easier if they weren't but i believe they are and im not sure how it could boost an individuals weapon only, it was just a thought that i thought would be cool if it was possible
Barbute-- aug 2014
Serverance--july 2019
Wulfsbane-- Sept 2019
Studded- Nov 2019
afaik the current reward is 5 phoenix feathers and 5000 faction points
The closest thing I see happing is quests that gives you gear.

For example on warden you have some quest that gives you the house craft bow and another quest that gives you the arrows.

This quest would be good for the people that don't have good gear but also good for the people that need the item for the upgraded.

For what the quest is and how hard should it be well i think it would need to depend on what hero it is. Repeater may have a good number of rag bots to kill but Cm only has boss kills for example. The quest should suit the play style of that hero and what it's best at.

|Steam| |Some Shop| |VLKA Recruitment| |Legendary Stats|Legendary Item Thread|                                                                                            
Not a bad idea, but the quest should emphasize the character class (I mean that the quests for RG and Warden should be radically different). For RG by the way, there are almost no quests at all. As well as these quests should be difficult
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