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[SOLD] WTS Everything *Cheap*
Special price if you buy everything. PM me or add me on: steam 

Cursed Mangler
Cursed Elegy
Vagabond Helmet
Cursed Tiger Scale Armour
Dellingr's Hands
Lionhide Boots

Dreaded War Pick
Shield of Kings
Dark Gothic Sallet
Dark Gothic Plate
Studded Gauntlets
Dark Gothic Greaves

Fang of Fenrir
Eagle Crossbow
Dead Shot
Onyx Bolts
Heavy Sallet
Brigadine Plated Heraldic
Studded Gauntlets

& 27m "Yellow Rocks"
& 1x Barrel, 1x Strong Cade, 2x Tome, 1x FMB (and some collectibles)
My Steam: Link
My Shop: Link
My Loots: 47 (43 unique items, 4 doubles)
My Steam: Link
My Shop: Link
My Loots: 47 (43 unique items, 4 doubles)

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