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Legendary Upgrades
Legendary upgrade blueprints for November have been selected - all of them. The long trail of posts noting the rotation of recipes being randomly selected each month (along with my attempts to find a slightly different way to phrase each announcement) ends here with all recipes being available all the time. Perhaps this decision will be revisited in the future if there are unforeseen consequences but for now at least, they remain unforeseen.

The previous round of upgrade recipes will not be removed in approximately 24 hours.
CC_Warden_Kip | CC_Sentinel_Kip | CC_Guard_Kip | CC_Zweihander_Kip | CC_Marksman_Kip | CC_Pavise_Kip | CC_Peltast_Kip | CC_Marauder_Kip | others...
Wooooow democracy is real! Go Ukraine!!
Thank you kip much appreciated

Feel Free to add me on Steam for trades, quicker response time.
Epic, thanks Kip! =)
Yeah, I looted stuff alright, go away!
Dreams come true, thanks Kip!
Dex aie hon hon
My Steam

(05-08-2022, 01:59 PM)Malong Wrote: Thank you.

As a side note, is it possible to revisit the upgrade recipe system?

  1. It would save you the manual effort every month of adding and removing recipes.
  2. Upgrades went live January 2018. Excluding the newer items, every upgrade has been available at least 5 times already.
  3. With the mass availability of upgraded items, game balance and power creep went out the window years ago.
  4. Community members are the only ones inconvenienced by this cycling.

Please consider making all upgrades available at all times.

Thanks Malong!

(04-11-2022, 03:45 PM)Malong Wrote:
(05-08-2022, 01:59 PM)Malong Wrote: Thank you.

As a side note, is it possible to revisit the upgrade recipe system?

  1. It would save you the manual effort every month of adding and removing recipes.
  2. Upgrades went live January 2018. Excluding the newer items, every upgrade has been available at least 5 times already.
  3. With the mass availability of upgraded items, game balance and power creep went out the window years ago.
  4. Community members are the only ones inconvenienced by this cycling.

Please consider making all upgrades available at all times.

Thanks Malong!

You're welcome, Malong!

(04-11-2022, 04:05 AM)Kip Wrote: The long trail of posts noting the rotation of recipes being randomly selected each month (along with my attempts to find a slightly different way to phrase each announcement) ends here with all recipes being available all the time.
The previous round of upgrade recipes will not be removed in approximately 24 hours.

Is this one of those aforementioned missed "attempt to find a slightly different way to phrase each announcement?" Or are the October upgrades really not going to be available this month?
Voted Friendliest NordInvasion Player

Quote Board is on Discord (last updated 2025.02.02)
"When I feel bad, I read your quote board." - Corndog

Nka: You’re playing it smart, always [using] logic, and they get pissed.
Kaasovic: God, this guy is unbeatable. I feel defeated in every verbal argument we end up in. Good job, Sir.
Odi: Hasn’t [PCK beaten] the game at this point?
Good update.
This is insane in the membrain.
(04-11-2022, 04:05 AM)Kip Wrote: Legendary upgrade blueprints for November have been selected - all of them.  The long trail of posts noting the rotation of recipes being randomly selected each month (along with my attempts to find a slightly different way to phrase each announcement)

but what will you do with all that newfound time?

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