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New Year, New Experiences
Happy new year, Swadia!

In an effort to better train our new recruits, we've learned to learn better from killing Nords! Enemies will now give more XP and gold than before, especially those on Normal and Hard mode. This should help create a smoother leveling process and keep the game consistently rewarding for getting to farther waves. Soldiers that have already reached the maximum level can use this extra experience to help train new recruits in exchange for gold (convert assist XP).

Those solo runs will be more rewarding now  Tongue
this looks nice!

Legendary Loots: 25

Cool, I have a lot of characters to level!
Much appreciated!
Thanks G
Voted Friendliest NordInvasion Player

Quote Board is on Discord (last updated 2025.02.02)
"When I feel bad, I read your quote board." - Corndog

Nka: You’re playing it smart, always [using] logic, and they get pissed.
Kaasovic: God, this guy is unbeatable. I feel defeated in every verbal argument we end up in. Good job, Sir.
Odi: Hasn’t [PCK beaten] the game at this point?
Pretty good! Thank you winter!
[Image: A19DF7044B0536A141D562A402BB8F9F212DD637]
Thanks Smile
Lvl 52 Master Peltast (DB_Julianature); Lvl 52 Warden (DB_Wardenature); Lvl 52 Chosen Marksman (DB_Doctornature); Lvl 52 Royal Guard (DB_Guardinature); Lvl 52 Ranger (DB_Wildnature)

Legendary drops:

06.07.2016 Griffon Bascinet
09.05.2018 Griffon Bascinet
29.11.2024 Leviathan's Treads
08.12.2024 Defiance
11.12.2024 Dellingr's Hands
26.12.2024 Scorn
01.02.2025 Mnjonjo
Thank you winter Big Grin
Phew, I think I need to start playing again, NI!

Solo Runs:
- Hard -> All maps done
- Ragnarok -> Old Shire/Swadian Outskirts/First Defence died W15
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