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The Return of Swadia
Hello fellow Swadians!

We bring you great news from the headquarters of the military high command!

After years of fighting and resisting the mighty force of the Nords, we suffered high casualties and lost many comrades. As we lost more and more ground, entire regions fell to the invading forces. Most of the army lost faith in the defense and sought to secure themselves along with their equipment. With a shrinking army before him and an exhausted population behind, our beloved King had no choice but to flee into exile.

But the time of darkness and a weakened Swadia is over! Many new recruits have been drafted, and numerous old veterans have returned to the ranks of the defending forces! In the newly built field camp in the hills of Calradia, our King has restructured the army. With the assistance of the military high command, a comprehensive retraining of the army has been implemented. Both old veterans and new recruits are required to adhere to the new structure and training. Merged classes will receive Hero Tokens.

Class Stats
  • Heavy Infantry +1 Ironflesh
  • Sergeant +1 Ironflesh
  • Commando +2 Ironflesh
  • Royal Guard +1 Athletics, +1 Ironflesh (+4 Ironflesh from previous tiers), +2 Shield
  • Legionnaire (+4 Ironflesh from previous tiers)
  • Zweihander -1 Athletics, +3 Ironflesh (+4 Ironflesh from previous tiers), -30 Polearm, -65 Crossbow, -40 Throwing, -1 Power Throw
  • Juggernaut merged with Zweihander (item exceptions below)

  • Sentry +2 Athletics, +1 Ironflesh
  • Ranger +70 One Handed, -40 Two Handed, +4 Power Strike
  • Sentinel merged with Ranger

  • Pavise Champion +1 Power Strike, +1 Athletics, +2 Ironflesh, +1 Shield, +35 One Handed
  • Repeaterman +1 Ironflesh, -30 Crossbow
  • Aventurier merged with Pavise Champion

  • Halberdier +35 Polearm, +1 Power Strike, -1 Shield
  • Hoplite +2 Shield
  • Marauder merged with Halberdier (item exceptions below)

  • Noble Bastion added to Infantry Heroes
  • Winged Helmets & Dragon Helmets moved to Legionnaire (Griffon Bascinets will gain +1 armor in a future update)
  • Verloren Plate moved to Legionnaire
  • Plate Over Leather moved to Legionnaire only

  • Ancient Greatsword added to Sentry
  • Volundr Greatsword added to Sentry
  • Durendal added to Sentry

  • Malice added to Master Peltast
  • Vagabond Helmet moved to Hoplite and Master Peltast
  • Tiger Scale Armour moved to Hoplite and Master Peltast
  • Gold Lamellar Armour moved to Hoplite and Master Peltast

The below items will be available for transmutation at level 1 and 2 personal crafting for the next two weeks (this also includes their respective upgraded versions):
  • Plate Over Leather -> Defender Armor
  • Winged Helmets & Dragon Helmets -> Defender Helmet
  • Verloren Plate -> Savior Plate Armor
  • Tiger Scale Armour -> Leather Overmail
  • Gold Lamellar Armour -> Grandmaster Halberdier Studded Leather
  • Vagabond Helmet -> Thanos Legacy

We will continue to monitor the game balance and make adjustments as necessary. More changes will come with the next client update.

These comprehensive reforms aim to revitalize Swadia's military prowess and restore our kingdom to its former glory. With renewed strength and determination, we stand ready to reclaim our lands and secure a prosperous future for all Swadians.

Furthermore, our leadership has been proactive! Our chief requisition officers have developed methods of crafting many materials at once! Additionally, collaborating with the realm's most skilled smiths and priests, we've discovered a new method to utilize the recently collected Legendary Essence.

  • Added "50x Basic Wood/Rough Cloth/Scrap Metal" recipes at level 15
  • Added "500x Basic Wood/Rough Cloth/Scrap Metal" recipes at level 30
  • Added "20x Steel" to level 12 Blacksmith
  • Added "20x Blade Shard/Handle/Flemish String" recipes at level 22 Blacksmith
  • Added "20x Basic Leather" to level 12 Armorsmith
  • Added "20x Armour Plate/Strap/Silk" recipes at level 22 Armorsmith
  • Added "20x Bone Powder" recipe at level 12 Alchemist
  • Added "20x Bone Dust/Dye/Oil" recipes at level 22 Alchemist
  • Added "50x Chain/Construction Tools/Processed Wood" recipes at level 13 of their respective House Crafting professions
  • Modified legendary awakening recipes to take one upgrade kit (Masterwork Toolkit/Blessed Sacrifice/Cursed Offering), one craftable equipment, and a scaling amount of Legendary Essence. Recipes have been split when necessary into separate recipes for each crafted equipment option. The craftable item used is in parentheses in the recipe title.
  • Orange legendary items will take 2-4 million gold in crafting materials rather than a full upgrade kit
  • Boots will take 2 million gold in crafting materials rather than a full upgrade kit
  • Added a way to obtain Legendary Essence through crafting. Have fun Smile

The artificers of our realm will continue to research new ways of obtaining and using Legendary Essence.

Swadians, I look with confidence into the future! Our strategic reforms and enhanced training programs will yield impressive results on the battlefields. Our smiths are diligently refining our equipment's resource management. This optimization will enhance the strength of certain items, while others may be adjusted to ensure overall balance and efficiency.

But don’t be foolish - the Nords will not stand idly by. They may answer by deploying unprecedented forces against our Kingdom. Be ready, recruit new allies to join our army, and encourage veteran comrades to reinforce our ranks once more. Do what you can, with what you have, where you are! For King and Kingdom!

In unity and strength,
The NI Development Team

Please be patient while these changes are rolled out. Although characters and their equipment will be sorted out shortly, the total process including crafting recipes may take several hours.
Voted Friendliest NordInvasion Player

Quote Board is on Discord (last updated 2025.02.02)
"When I feel bad, I read your quote board." - Corndog

Nka: You’re playing it smart, always [using] logic, and they get pissed.
Kaasovic: God, this guy is unbeatable. I feel defeated in every verbal argument we end up in. Good job, Sir.
Odi: Hasn’t [PCK beaten] the game at this point?
Nah bro really destroyed my Favorite Class in Nordinvasion
"WS is full of scrubs like Thunder" Eyleen
"It was a hot day and i was annoyed " Lord Montagu 
"You can buy 2 Twigs for one Valsgarde" Managarm
"Banterin stop killing you are making my score look stupid" Qrvishion
"Wait arent you PCK? lol" VLKA_Julia
Thanks. I love seeing that the game is still making progress in 2025. Heart
Lvl 52 Master Peltast (DB_Julianature); Lvl 52 Warden (DB_Wardenature); Lvl 52 Chosen Marksman (DB_Doctornature); Lvl 52 Royal Guard (DB_Guardinature); Lvl 52 Ranger (DB_Wildnature)

Legendary drops:

06.07.2016 Griffon Bascinet
09.05.2018 Griffon Bascinet
29.11.2024 Leviathan's Treads
08.12.2024 Defiance
11.12.2024 Dellingr's Hands
26.12.2024 Scorn
01.02.2025 Mnjonjo
Huh? New stuff? Can't be!

PS Thanks to everyone who worked on it Wink
My Steam: Link
My Shop: Link
Sons of Dhirim: Link
My Loots: 61 (49 unique items, 9 doubles, 3 Essence)
Update in 2025??? Not on the bingo card for this year.

Thanks guys, I know a lot of work has gone into this, greatly appreciated Big Grin
Loots: 30
Thanks for update
King of Swadia

Member of SD


It's great to have new content! Thanks!
thx i guess it was a lot of work
Lets go update time !!!
Poor people don't deserve rewards! -HappyMonk3y99

Once said on a cold night during a VM event 
2 Big bouncy books - Winterkin
Them double dictionaries though - Sigolo 

5 Loots

May the Forlon Vanguard rest in peace 


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