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Bannerlord Discussion Thread
You have read my post incorrectly, Woody. I'm not saying "if you've thought of it, we have too" to player ideas and wishes. I'm saying that for things that we wish to avoid in general. They are two separate lists.
I'm not against players submitting their wishes or ideas. I would be okay with feature request-esque board dedicated to that, just to keep it contained.

Edit: Okay, let me rephrase in case it's still confusing. The list I am speaking of is a list of developer opinions by developers of what we wish to avoid / not do / be aware of with the next iteration of NI. Basically, this list is developer opinions, we would then take player opinions, and compare the two.
if you have problem of the model variety send it to winter xen winter me winter me xen because it'll piss him off
Could we get a list of things you are going to avoid. Honestly I think remove Australian servers entirely.
Loots: 18
(21-02-2020, 05:10 PM)Terath Wrote: You have read my post incorrectly, Woody. I'm not saying "if you've thought of it, we have too" to player ideas and wishes. I'm saying that for things that we wish to avoid in general. They are two separate lists.
I'm not against players submitting their wishes or ideas. I would be okay with feature request-esque board dedicated to that, just to keep it contained.

Just to clarify how I see it.

(21-02-2020, 04:23 PM)Terath Wrote: Note: Do not suggest to me what should be on the avoid list. Suggestions will likely be highly opinionated and I don't want to deal with reading through them. If you thought of it, we probably have too. It's not that your suggestion would be inherently wrong, I just don't want to deal with it.

My post was looking at the bigger picture. This "avoid list" at least to me is things in Ni currently you want to do differently or not do at all. That right?

A feature request can either replace something or add something as I'm sure everyone understands. Feature requests encompass the avoids aswell tho. It can be a feature to takeaway a mechanic like randomness or whatever. A lot less of them to take away then add but It's still somthing people can talk about given Ni has so much.

For example I don't think we need 16 heroes. I'll expanded on that alot more if you make that thread but what I'm point out is the "avoid" can have full topics and discussions from the community not just a group of 10 people or so. It's possible someone maybe able to change my mind on things and the same could be said with the dev team. 

Right now with the words " I just don't want to deal with it." It sounds like you have cut off communication before it's even started. That's why I posted.

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(21-02-2020, 06:04 PM)Woody Wrote:
(21-02-2020, 05:10 PM)Terath Wrote: You have read my post incorrectly, Woody. I'm not saying "if you've thought of it, we have too" to player ideas and wishes. I'm saying that for things that we wish to avoid in general. They are two separate lists.
I'm not against players submitting their wishes or ideas. I would be okay with feature request-esque board dedicated to that, just to keep it contained.

Just to clarify how I see it.

(21-02-2020, 04:23 PM)Terath Wrote: Note: Do not suggest to me what should be on the avoid list. Suggestions will likely be highly opinionated and I don't want to deal with reading through them. If you thought of it, we probably have too. It's not that your suggestion would be inherently wrong, I just don't want to deal with it.

My post was looking at the bigger picture. This "avoid list" at least to me is things in Ni currently you want to do differently or not do at all. That right?

A feature request can either replace something or add something as I'm sure everyone understands. Feature requests encompass the avoids aswell tho. It can be a feature to takeaway a mechanic like randomness or whatever. A lot less of them to take away then add but It's still somthing people can talk about given Ni has so much.

For example I don't think we need 16 heroes. I'll expanded on that alot more if you make that thread but what I'm point out is the "avoid" can have full topics and discussions from the community not just a group of 10 people or so. It's possible someone maybe able to change my mind on things and the same could be said with the dev team. 

Right now with the words " I just don't want to deal with it." It sounds like you have cut off communication before it's even started. That's why I posted.

I don't want to deal with people trying to add stuff to the developer suggestions. The player suggestions I am more than happy to deal with. The reason why we have "probably thought of it already" is because the developer suggestions are broad stroke, which means that most suggestions added to it fall under another suggestion. Also, because it was generally just a poor choice of words.

We can't plan for what we don't have, hence why we keep it broad. This is why it is important to keep the two lists (developer opinions and player opinions) separate: because both are just as important. I don't see why the two lists have to be the same, because comparing the two and producing something based off of that is just a way to keep it more organized. I do not see why this had to be an argument.
if you have problem of the model variety send it to winter xen winter me winter me xen because it'll piss him off
(21-02-2020, 06:55 PM)Terath Wrote: This is why it is important to keep the two lists (developer opinions and player opinions) separate: because both are just as important.

Are you trying to say it's "separate but equal?"
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(25-02-2020, 03:17 AM)Sharmastyle Wrote:
in the video you can see the PC is able to pick up southern throwing daggers, which means its either aserai or southern calradian empire fielding ninjas and i assume the samurais are khuzait. unless this is a reskin/rename of stuff
Quite small battle for Warband, but FPS drops in Bannerlord.

And why this setting? Is that new Gekokujo or what Japanese culture does in Calradia?
(25-02-2020, 02:05 PM)Forward Wrote: Quite small battle for Warband, but FPS drops in Bannerlord.

And why this setting? Is that new Gekokujo or what Japanese culture does in Calradia?
No its not small. Bannerlord battle size minimum 1000
Loots : 19

[Image: ea_announcement_3.jpg]

Greetings warriors of Calradia!

After eight years of blood, sweat, and tears, Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord's Early Access release is finally upon us. In just a few short days you will be able to gird on your sword, don your armour, summon your followers and ride forth to win glory on the battlefields of Calradia!

But before we move on to discuss the release of the game, we want to take a moment to talk about the current coronavirus pandemic. It probably goes without saying, but this certainly isn't the scenario we envisaged for the release of the game. However, we have tried to make the best of a bad situation and thankfully, with the help of our IT team, have been able to continue work on the project from home. This has come with its own challenges of course, but we are still very grateful and lucky to work in an industry where it is possible to work remotely, which we know isn't the case for many of you. It might seem like a pretty ideal time to release a game (after all, everyone is at home right!?), but we know that the current situation has placed a lot of people in a difficult position when it comes to balancing their finances and risking their health.

With that in mind, we have decided to make the game available for 10% off for the first two weeks of sale. In addition to this, anyone who owns any previous Mount & Blade title will be eligible for an additional 10% off in select digital stores. Also, you can breathe a sigh of relief because there won't be a delay... In fact, quite the opposite! We have decided to bring forward the release of the game to 10.00 am UTC, March 30th.

So, you know the release date and the price, but what content is included in the Early Access release?

In singleplayer, you will have access to Custom Battle and Campaign game modes. Campaign is a new and somewhat more structured approach to the Mount & Blade experience that blends a storyline and key events with the traditional sandbox gameplay that our players are familiar with. Campaign aims to provide players with clear goals and missions that can lead to a successful conclusion to a playthrough. However, if you refuse to take any direction and prefer to plot your own rise to power, you can simply ignore the campaign missions and go about your business!

During a campaign playthrough you will do most of the things that you would expect from a Mount & Blade game, including creating your own character with their own backstory; exploring a vast, re-envisioned continent of Calradia; hiring companions to accompany you on your journey; raising warbands and armies to devastate your enemies on the battlefield; conquering towns and castles; progressing your character skills and equipment; learning and mastering the game's much-improved combat mechanics; and commanding and fighting alongside your troops; among a host of other things, many of which have been featured in previous blog posts!

And while there is definitely plenty of content for players to dive into and enjoy, we must be clear in reminding you that this is an Early Access release. There may be bugs and glitches, there will certainly be balancing issues, some features may be missing or currently disabled, and certain aspects of the game might not receive full-support until later down the line. You can expect to see reused scenes (our eventual aim is that each town and castle will have its own unique scene) as well as other types of placeholder content, such as voice lines, animations, quests, etc.

In terms of multiplayer content, you can expect a continuation of the recent multiplayer beta, which features 4 different game modes: Skirmish, Captain, Team Deathmatch, and Siege. We will continue to work on multiplayer throughout Early Access by introducing new features, game modes, and other additional content. We expect to enable our community to host private servers closer to the full release of the game.

Our current plan is to localize the game into the following languages: French, Italian, German, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Simplified and Traditional Chinese, Spanish and Turkish. However, during EA, localisations for these languages may be missing entirely or may be incomplete. Other languages may be added later.

If you would like to experience everything that Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord has to offer, then we strongly encourage you to hold off on buying the game until the full-release.

Finally, we would like to announce that we are officially drawing a close to this series of blogs. With the game on the verge of release, we would prefer to switch our attention and limited resources to work alongside our community. Of course, if we feel that we have something newsworthy or a new feature that we want to highlight and discuss, we will share a post, but for now, this will be our last scheduled blog post.

We wish you all the best during these difficult times and hope you and your family stay safe. Now go wash your hands!

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