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Monolith Legion *Recruiting* level 1+
Good to see ML coming back.
Name of Character:Consweber
Number of Characters:1
Player id:2460343
Class: Longbowman
Why i wish to join:I would like to play with a experienced group were we work together instead just going rambo
Big Grin
Poor people don't deserve rewards! -HappyMonk3y99

Once said on a cold night during a VM event 
2 Big bouncy books - Winterkin
Them double dictionaries though - Sigolo 

5 Loots

May the Forlon Vanguard rest in peace 

Name of Character: Soul~Silver
Number of Characters: 3
Player id: 2479390
Level: 39
ClassTongueikeman/Infantry/engineer/stable hand
Reason why you wish to join our elite group: Need a house cos i'm lonely and have only a couple of people to play with...

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