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[Closed] Bots killed themselves and auto win
Hi, was playing on Cav server (EU) around 2h00 CET (so 15 minuts before considering this post).

We go to wave 14, begining to kill and dismount bots, then all bots die without any reason

[Image: 20190214.jpg]

[Image: 20190216.jpg]
After that the 15th wave didn't spawn and we got victory sentence

[Image: 20190215.jpg]
If this Inuyasha guy is not a developer, he is a cheater. Pretty sure it was him who killed bots. On other server he took control over nords. First when I noticed it was huscarl on Normal wave 15 when he jumped over cades and start running around trying to kill people. On next map he took control over prince and start running away from us. That was funny but cheating should not be tolerable.
Lel, yeah didn't realise ^^ It was him Wink
We got a [B]ig troll here

I'm feeling a bit cold from this joke just like old times.

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