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Actual armour data
What's current armour progression for Pikeman? I found different data.

For example, Gold Lamellar Armour:
in wiki -  6-56-28 for MP and Marauder
in guide for equipment on the forums - 8-53-26 Marauder only
What's correct, if any?

Where can I see actual progression, preferrably with prices, like:
armour A - stats - usable by - common price
armour B - stats - usable by - common price
I think it's best to look at the crafting/house crafting and legendary items threads to get an idea of gear stats. For example: (Blacksmith crafting recipes/items) (Armoursmith crafting recipes/items)

Although I'm not sure how correct these are either, as I recently crafted a Headtaker which is shown to be a Zweihander-locked 2h sword but in-game it lacks the half-swording mode. But that may just be something the developers have left out Wink
Check the modified date on everything you look at. The Complete Guide to the Swadian's Equipment! thread has not been edited in over a year. (This post was last modified: Saturday, May 27th, 2017, 11:02 am by Dom.)

The Wiki has been.

As for the Headtaker, That was probably forgotten about.
Steam name:  Sargeant Q

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