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Dead Frontier
it does when you are killing slaves its quite fun Smile
yup started playing it again :d finding MC stuff like nothing
My Our Vodka Last During this Bloody War.
Folly company ;D drop a msg here,4990.135.html
I used to play this alot, got a lvl 55 or something account with 1m in bank, and a really nice set of kit, but nobody i knew played it and  i finnaly got bored of grinding away at it on my own.
Did not enjoy this game, or Fallout 2238. I think a better option for a free to play mmo shooter would be Global Agenda: Free Agent or Planetside 2. If you want a free to play mmorpg there's plenty right now:

Star Wars the Old Republic is free to play now
Star Trek Online
Dungeons and Dragons Online
Ragnarak Online 2
Everquest II
Star Conflict
War Thunder

A few I've played and aren't that great:

Age of Conan: Unchained
Lord of the Rings Online
DC Universe Online
FFXI Online (Not free to play but still garbage, use to be a great game too)

Unsure of:
Renaissance Heroes (Is a first person shooter mmo and looks like it has potential)
Arctic Combat (another first person shooter, doesn't look that impressive)
Fallen Earth (same as above, worth trying out though it's all free)
Wizardry Online
Uncharted Waters Online
Dragon Nest
theres a lot more but I'll spare you

If you want zombies war z is about to release the stand alone mmo so you don't need arma 2 anymore, in the meantime there's the new Resident Evil and Dead Island games even though RE 6 and the first Dead Island wasn't that impressive we can hope for the best.

If you want older style games that will run on older computers you can look through this list and find something that may suit you:

My point is there's countless games out there that are free to play and you guys play that stuff.
Lord of the Rings Online is a GREAT game... Just sayin'. That is one of the only MMOs. Also play War Thunder and BF3, also very good games.
Start the game already!

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