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Valar Morghulis [NA][Recruiting] [39+]
Player name:Maximus
Age:14 (almost 15)
Character ID:2458667
Level of Main:7
Class of Main:Miltia
Do you have TS3 and a Mic:yes
Steam Name:Maximus
Player name: Dascissorsman
Age: 17
Character ID: 2468055
Alt/s: N/a
Level of Main: 7
Class of Main: Archer
Do you have TS3 and a Mic: Yes and Yes
Steam Name: Dascissorsman
Hey all! Just wondering when the next event will be, and who will be able to attend!
Hypernoma loves me. He misses me already!

(09-08-2013, 02:00 AM)Hypernoma link Wrote:Work? Ew.
School starts for me on the 13th after that might be available on weekends but then again my elective is a busy one.  :'(
@Tiber, I will schedule an event when I can make it to it. It won't be this weekend, but hopefully monday or soon after.
Player name:Mr_Person
Character ID:2460388
Alt/s:Mr_Person_Sharpshooter and Mr_Person_Commando
Level of Main:16
Class of Main:Skirmisher
Do you have TS3 and a Mic:I have TS3, but no mic.
Steam Name:Mr. Person
House Update. We now have 20 members in the house, and seeing as most of them are redshirts, I have decided to stop recruiting for now. At least until everyone in the house is level 32+ then I will open up recruiting again.

I would just like to remind everyone to please put VM tags on, if you do not have enough gold just tell me (via PM, or steam) and I'll send you the required 5k. Also, we have an armory, if you need any new gear below tier 4 just ask me and I'll trade it to you for free. I would ask that you give back your old gear if it is stuff you have gotten from the armory though.

I haven't been terribly active lately because of relatives visiting, also my birthday party is tomorrow. BUT, after tomorrow I should start being more active and we'll do events!

ALSO: I would like everyone who is NOT in the VM steam group to post your steam name here on this thread. I would like everyone in the group asap.

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