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Poll: Are you happy with the new changes?
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Yes, it\'s an improvement
42 43.30%
No, absolutely not
35 36.08%
mwoah, it\'s okay
12 12.37%
I don\'t know
0 0%
I\'ll play NordInvasion 24/7 when the developers make the enemies a bit weaker
8 8.25%
Total 97 vote(s) 100%
* You voted for this item. [Show Results]

The New Changes
We are being honest... 

Some players are booty kissen weiners yes... 

Most are honest...

I'm being honest when i say i love most of the changes especially the maps...
But a commando and sniper take too much leveling to suck so hard...

It needs to be re balanced. 


Atleast make it so the commandos have their profincientcy back...  It's not really the low armor..  It's not being able to even outswing a level 3 mob solder 1vs1. 

Not even talking about skirms...  Talking about the dumb wooden sword and small noob axe units. 

There is a reason there is tons of raging right now...

Looks like the devs made 20 accounts each, so they can try to balance the rage with compliments. 
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(06-04-2012, 08:18 PM)Nimueh link Wrote: We are being honest... 

Some players are booty kissen weiners yes... 

Most are honest...

I'm being honest when i say i love most of the changes especially the maps...
But a commando and sniper take too much leveling to suck so hard...

It needs to be re balanced. 


Atleast make it so the commandos have their profincientcy back...  It's not really the low armor..  It's not being able to even outswing a level 3 mob solder 1vs1. 

Not even talking about skirms...  Talking about the dumb wooden sword and small noob axe units. 

There is a reason there is tons of raging right now...

Looks like the devs made 20 accounts each, so they can try to balance the rage with compliments.

You are damn lucky Worm has punished you with a mute and not me! I would perma ban you for such nonsense and blatant lies. Worm, Nemeth and myself are sitting here working on developing a new patch; you give yourself far too much credit if you think we could be assed making alts to reply to this drivel!

If you block an attack, it is impossible if you swing straight after with the stats and speed that you all have to be outswung by the bot's next attack... Your ignorance is astounding.
Give a man a fish, and you have fed him for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will continue fishing even if you give him a fish.
- Fingus
(06-04-2012, 08:18 PM)Nimueh link Wrote:  

There is a reason there is tons of raging right now...

Looks like the devs made 20 accounts each, so they can try to balance the rage with compliments.

You really are an utter prat living in your own world, arent you?

Go get some sunshine, it's good for that rotting flesh of yours.
[Image: 2n6u4ux.png]
For the Honour of the Fallen Swadians.
That's going a bit too far, Nimueh. You must realize that we aren't ass-kissing. We're trying to communicate in a civilized manner. There is no need for name-calling and there is no need for getting angry. You don't need to cuss out the devs in order to get your point across. And this doesn't apply only to Nimueh, this applies to other posters as well. You can't expect the patch to be perfectly balanced immediately, and you can't expect things to instantly change when you report problems. This mod is also in "public beta," so if you don't enjoy this patch, you can wait for the next one as things should get progressively better -- not worse.

I don't think you guys are stupid for getting angry, I think you guys just haven't taken the time to take into consideration the fact that the developers are people as well, and they have their own lives separate from Nord Invasion as well. They have stresses and responsibilities in the real world, just you like and I. If getting mad at the devs would get things done any faster, I would be raging mad as well. But it doesn't help. It only serves to piss them off because you are taking a giant shit on their work (that they do while making no profit and using their spare time). You know what helps? Calmly and thoroughly stating your issues, and suggesting potential fixes to the problem. I've spoken to the devs and they do read your posts (though they don't reply to all of them). Remember, people, think before you post and also consider the way you are speaking to others -- would you enjoy being addressed in such a manner? Here is a useful link:
ba da bing ba da BAN! -Hypernoma
As sniper, the problem I have is with the armor.  Light highlander boots and highlander armor are wayyyy better than the best boots and armor you can get.  Lot cheaper too.  I would not mind that if it were not such a common item.  Everyone uses it and then everyone will look the same even if you max your character out...the best armor is still the highlander armor.  I would recommend bumping the best sniper body armors (rough spiked leather, scale shirt, Haubergeon) and foot armor (Sarranid Mail Boots, Splinted Greaves, Mail Chausses) a bit past the 40 pt for body and 22 for foot to add some variety to our armors.

And also, I do not know what to do with my old scale armor and mail boots.  I could sell them, but for how much?  I cannot see the worth of these items in the marketplace since I cannot equip them anymore. 

One more thing about snipers...since the speed of arrows and power of bows has been nerfed a bit, I do not notice a significant change in rate of fire.  If you bump up rate of fire a bit to compensate for the loss of speed and power, I think that would make for a very balanced MAX on a class.  Thank you and keep up the good work. 
(06-04-2012, 11:53 PM)Jay_Nova link Wrote: As sniper, the problem I have is with the armor.  Light highlander boots and highlander armor are wayyyy better than the best boots and armor you can get.  Lot cheaper too.  I would not mind that if it were not such a common item.

Everyone uses it and then everyone will look the same even if you max your character out...the best armor is still the highlander armor.  I would recommend bumping the best sniper body armors (rough spiked leather, scale shirt, Haubergeon) and foot armor (Sarranid Mail Boots, Splinted Greaves, Mail Chausses) a bit past the 40 pt for body and 22 for foot to add some variety to our armors.

And also, I do not know what to do with my old scale armor and mail boots.  I could sell them, but for how much?  I cannot see the worth of these items in the marketplace since I cannot equip them anymore. 

One more thing about snipers...since the speed of arrows and power of bows has been nerfed a bit, I do not notice a significant change in rate of fire.  If you bump up rate of fire a bit to compensate for the loss of speed and power, I think that would make for a very balanced MAX on a class.  Thank you and keep up the good work.

Crafted items haven't been re-balanced yet, they'll get changed soon.
[Image: GuardTennenothSig-2hat-2.png]

Add the straw hat as a usable item. I feel naked without it!
Add back Nordic armour! I have nowhere warm to sleep now!
Avatar courtesy of Tomas of Miles.
I must admit, I really miss the horses. Ive been playing awhile and got really tired of the melee and arrows. The horses are a critical part of mount and blade and it just seems something is missing without them. Nothing is more satisfying than the thud of a lance taking down a Nord.
I just wanted to second what Jay Nova said about armor for Snipers and I do know the crafted stuff will be rebalanced. But a straight sniper as I currently play is pants in melee combat, I'm fairly happy with the Strange Armor stats but was tired of the look (wot NI fashion?) before the patch and I bought scale. I could, but didn't use Highlander and as Jay said we'd all look the same. So if we could have a selection of armors at around where we are with Strange stats wise I'll take that, as I understand the need to differentiate between classes.

Where I'd disagree with Jay is rate of fire and damage with bow fire as a sniper, I'm fine with that as is but as I posted way back, the range reduction is more a pain, hey the name's sniper, which I would argue implies some range.

From Wikipedia (so it must be true) "A sniper is a highly trained marksman who operates in one to two man teams which maintain close visual contact with the enemy and engages targets from concealed positions or physical distances exceeding the detection capabilities of the enemy personnel, without being detected."
bla bla bla I love to get ban. I have always dreamed from it. Nobody will ever miss me here.

I'm going to request that the Devs unmute Nimueh in a day or so. I understand you guys found it offensive, but i feel the mute was more a reminder to stop raging and be constructive. anything more then a day or two feels like you're oppressing the opposition to the patch.

just my two cents about the mute, but hey, we all know i'm a alt account for some dev (since i showed support for the patch). of fess up devs whose alt account am I?

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