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Valar Morghulis [NA][Recruiting] [39+]
Player name: The_AccurateShot
Character ID:2456069
Alt/s: t3 acher and inf
Level of Main:52
Class of Main:Master Peltast
Do you have TS3 and a Mic: yes
Steam Name: Accurate_Mk2
Vagabond helmet- November 30, 2015
Player name: MistySeat
Age: 20
Character ID:  2488433
Alt/s: MustyCoushins / TheNat
Level of Main:44
Class of Main: Pikeman
Do you have TS3 and a Mic: Yes/Yes
Steam Name: PsychoSimple
Player name: Mean_Mr_Mustard
Age: 21
Character ID: 2480836
Alt/s: Hugo_Stiglitz / Godwhacker / Fumbles
Level of Main: 45
Class of Main: Sharpshooter
Do you have TS3 and a Mic: Yes
Steam Name: iwarnedyouaboutstairsbro

Accepted on a trial basis.  Play with us for a while and let us get to know you.  Also, please don't forget to add the VM tag to your name.  We also have a house banner if you care to use that too.

Welcome to VM!
VM_Gazma_Swordmaster - lvl 52 Zweihander
VM_Gazma_Pikemaster - lvl 52 Pikeman
VM_Gazma_Bowmaster - lvl 52 Sentinel

Legendaries: AHAHAHAHAHA
Player name: Eunuch
Age: 19
Character ID:
Alt/s: None
Level of Main: 26
Class of Main: Heavy Skirmisher
Do you have TS3 and a Mic: Yes
Steam Name: Timmaytron
gl with members guys Smile
[Image: RoXLdB5.png?2]
|| Ephoressa - Warden ||
|| All Hero Classes ||
Player name:Furious
Character ID:2437227
Alt/s:None of Significance
Level of Main:49
Class of Main:Commando (Infantry)
Do you have TS3 and a Mic:Yes
Steam Name: Dangerxx82 (Though not a big steam talker)
Timmay and Charun,

Thank you for your interest, but our recruitment is currently closed.  I'm sorry for the inconvenience!

Delion has spoken, invites sent Smile
VM_Gazma_Swordmaster - lvl 52 Zweihander
VM_Gazma_Pikemaster - lvl 52 Pikeman
VM_Gazma_Bowmaster - lvl 52 Sentinel

Legendaries: AHAHAHAHAHA
Charun was accepted last night at the event you missed by Delion.
Steam name:  Sargeant Q
Player name: The_Hound
Age: 19
Character ID:2492606
Alt/s: N/A
Level of Main:12
Class of Main:Crossbowman
Do you have TS3 and a Mic:I dont have TS3 but i do have a mic and can download if needed.
Steam Name: Renje

not sure if your still taking app's but just in case its here.

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