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A raffle/... whatever

bahh, too sad to see even more of the old guys leave this game, well im going with

I'm going to go with:


2x Studded Gauntlets
17/02/19: Noble Bastion
13/03/20: Dragon Breath
19/03/20: Ironsong
GL and byebye~
WS_Jetine - Master Peltast
WS_Jetsuko - Royal Guard
Good luck.

I choose 37.
2015-08-26 Fang of Fenrir
2024-12-21 Legendary Dust Essence (first ever!!!1)
2025-01-05 Heavy Scaled Greaves
2025-01-07 Scorn
2025-01-09 Legacy
2025-01-14 Severance

[Image: NqiKO60.png]
172 is it (hopefully) - Good Luck in RL Confused
Good times being carried by you guys.
I'm going with 103
Philosophy is questions that may never be answered,

Religion is answers that may never be questioned
Had Fun with you when You played.
I am going with 150
Good luck with real life.  I choose 2.
Steam name:  Sargeant Q

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