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Enemy Troops! Throw your best ideas at me!
troop name: Nord Light Raider
weapon types: 40% Light Throwing Axes, 60% 1-Hand Axe + Old Round Shield
armor types: Blue Gamberson, Nasal Helms/Nord Fighter Helms, ankle boots
difficulty (easy, hard etc.): Normal Mode, Marginally Harder Than Followers.
Would be a Medium rare alternative to the normal Nord followers, or a wave 6 Normal unit.
They are still lead by a Nord Sargent if made as an alternative to followers.
Accuracy for the throwing would be low, probably 20-40 throwing skill with minimal power throw. 

troop name:Nord Chef/Cook
weapon types:Cleaver, Frying Pan, Butchering Knife
armor types:No Helm/Felt Caps, Leather Apron, leather gloves, leather boots
difficulty (easy, hard etc.):Easy, Normal Mode
Make custom variant of leather apron that's white if desired.
No Throwing Cleavers, no respectable chef would throw away his cooking utensil

Looted A Frying Pan 11/25/14
[Image: tbavTdE.jpg]

troop name: Nord Manic (Inspired by Warframe's Grineer Manic)
weapon types: Dagger(s), Assassin Throwing Bombs
armor types: Light, Black, Mail, Maybe a black version of the helmets the wave 16 cav guys wear
difficulty (easy, hard etc.) Hard
misc: Probably make them spawn on wave 12-20 (excluding boss waves maybe) of ragnorak mode with the normal wave. Have only a few spawn and act like assassins during the wave that end up behind the ranged during the wave (by throwing the assassin bomb) and end up stabbing them in the back.
Make them be able to 1 or 2 hit most Swadians but also only be 3-4 hits to die (maybe, that's up to u guys to decide stats if you put these guys in the game)
Ancient Greatsword - 2015-08-27
Fang of Fenrir x2 - 2015-10-15
Volundr Greatsword - 2024-06-06
Naval Glaive - 2024-06-08
Rebellion - 2024-06-08
Steel Stinger - 2024-06-27
Penetrator - 2024-07-10
Dragon Bolts - 2024-07-12
Malice - 2024-08-03
Dellingr's Hands - 2024-12-08
Twigs of Yggdrasil - 2024-12-27
Barbutte with Coif - 2024-12-29
Jormungandr - 2024-12-29
Troop Name: Heavy Swadian Deserter, Boss: Head of Swadian Deserters
Weapons: (70%) Great Sword,(30%) Morningstar
Armor: Mail with Surcoat(better than for commandos in shop), Gauntlets, Full Helm, Mail Chausses ; BOSS: Head of Swadian Deserters( Lots of HP, Great Hammer(30% chance), Great Sword(70% chance),Swadian Heavy Lamellar Armor,Gauntlets,Nice looking helmet with low armor,Swadian Boots  )
Misc: Spawn maybe 16. wave of Normal and 1.-12.wave of Hard, Their weakness will be legs 2-3 hits,Boss Weakness: Head,DMG Medium, Boss DMG:Medium/High,Speed Medium, Boss Speed:Medium/Fast
Winter is a cool guy. 

               [Image: 2rca6iw.png]                      
            [Image: 76561198024357901.png]       
(16-11-2013, 11:24 PM)Tugmund_Caoliki link Wrote: Nord Sabuteurs,  very lowly armoured enemies with average swords that spawn at wave starts sometimes like hired assassins near players and do an immediate run to hit barrels/cades.
Yes that'd be quite fun. ;D Or naked crazy tome wasters might be fun as well.
Less talking, more raiding!
troop name: Nord Peltast 
weapon types: Jarids, Nord War Sword and Heavy round shield.
armor types: Nordic Helm, Mail Chausses, Bryine (nordic mail type thing) and Mail Mittens.
difficulty: Ragnarok
misc: Never liked the bashing stuff like other Nords but loves throwing things at em.
Spawns wave 4+ with all the normals waves.

[LK]Maximus(Zweihander) - [LK]Felix(Chosen Marksmen) - [LK]Michael(Pikeman) - [LK]Linda(Legionnaire)
(06-12-2011, 11:03 PM)ColonicAcid link Wrote: troop name:Nord Jarl
weapon types: Cavarly, 2H on horseback
armor types: Plate
difficulty: Hard
misc: The nords get fed up so they send there best jarls over to kill you.

troop name: Nord Ulfsark
weapon types: Axes (2H, Polearm, 1H)
armor types: Light
misc:The collectors of the nords

(Yes these two are from AoM, yes I love that game :3)
Me too Big Grin
BUHH and BUUUUUUUUH and etc.......
troop name: Nord Standard Bearer
weapon types: Huscarls Round Shield, Nord Short War Sword, Buff Banner [on their back]
armor types: No Head armor/felt cap, Banded Leather Armor [black huscarls armor], Nord Gauntlets, Leather boot
difficulty (easy, hard etc.): Rag/Hard
misc: Supplements various waves of devs choice to buff Nordic damage as the buff banner suggests.
Looted A Frying Pan 11/25/14
[Image: tbavTdE.jpg]

Troop name: Nord Venom/Nord Venomous Archer
weapon types: Stag bow, Basic Arrows(With poison) and a mace(can knock down)
armor types: Maybe something like Trackers?
difficulty (easy, hard etc.) Ragnarok
misc:If its come, maybe there will be new support item as a cure the poison..and ragnarok need some get power and fun! xD
[*]troop nametroop name: Dwarf
[*]weapon types: hammer, Dragon and Dwarf axe
[*]armor types: Defender Armour
[*]difficulty (easy, hard etc.) Ragnarok
[*]misc: This can be a wave with the leader at the head. Why is it good? Because There is a Dwarf Axe - and it is background, and the dwarves are creatures from Norse mythology
Fiendish bow 17
Excalibur 18
Defender Armour 18
Eastern Full Scale 18
Glory 19
Dead Shot 19
Leather Overmail 19
Gloves of Vidar 20
Twigs of Iggdrasil 20
Bannerlord is a drunkard's bottle fight

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