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Healthbar script, a social experiment gone too far?
In my humble opinion, it doesn't matter whether you use the script or not you will still not be able to how you call it "exploit" the health bar to kill the boss while 16 other players are also shooting him at the same time. I cannot understand what is that drama all about. I do not see the script as an exploitation but as an useful addon which will prevent people from accidently killing the boss while someone is dead. What is more, there is still another way to check boss' health. I guess we should all stop arguing and enjoy the game as we were before. Smile

PS. You shouldn't stop doing what you do Kaasovic. You did really great job. That are just people who are always looking for something to blame for their failure.
Legendaries looted:
• 07.11.2013 - Durendal
• 28.02.2017 - Thanos Legacy
• 05.03.2017 - Ornate Arming Helmet
• 05.03.2018 - Ailadrodd

[Image: v1.png]
We are not complaining about script. It's the people who abuse it.
- Ailadrodd - 16.04.17

- 16.04.17 
(Morning) *Kriegztofu looted Dragon Halberd*  
Qrvishon: Fuck you I never loot
(Evening) *Ailadrodd!*
Qrvishon: I am chicken
Noname: Can I fry you?
Qrivshon: Y
Noname: QFC
Noname: KFQ*
(13-03-2017, 08:22 PM)Qrvishon_ Wrote: We are not complaining about script. It's the people who abuse it.

There is no way you can even abuse this script,
It's the same as calling reading news papers to know what the news is cheating.
(13-03-2017, 06:59 PM)ReMz Wrote: It's actually quite usefull for some things but it's getting abused according to some people.
Whats was the point of it then.
I was planning on making a large pack with way more features.
Seeing how much trouble this script alone caused really makes me consider whether releasing such pack will blow everyone back in to the stone age.

Why did I make it in the first place? I am a Computer Science student focused on Cyber security. Reverse engineering and de-compiling source codes is something that really gives me a rush while doing it. I have discovered many cool possibilities in the source of NordInvasion. Some of you probably remember me writing in different colours on the NordInvasion servers.

I really hate to see any script go to waste, because some people are abusing it. Already perfected the healthbar script and got rid of any minor bugs. Where it would correctly show the boss' horse health on Cavalry.

What can be done against it? At the moment; very little. The files are already somewhere on the Interwebz and have been redistributed over and over, many times probably even without my knowledge. Though whenever a new update will be released, the healthbar script will be removed from your files, because the checksum doesn't match and I highly doubt that any of you know how to reverse engineer any of the Warband module source. What I rather see is the quest being replace with ones where you can complete the quest by just participating in the runs. IE> Finish a run $x times on Normal, Hard, Ragnarok and Cavalry. And of course lower the reward.

I have a huge passion for breaking, fixing, decompiling, exploiting and programming. SORRY for any trouble I caused, even though I am not responsible for your stupidity.
Sorry no tl;dr this time.
(13-03-2017, 08:32 PM)Corndogg Wrote:
(13-03-2017, 06:59 PM)ReMz Wrote: It's actually quite usefull for some things but it's getting abused according to some people.
Whats was the point of it then.

That there was just me explainining what was happening to looter.
Im not one of the people thinking its getting abused.
(13-03-2017, 08:33 PM)Kaasovic Wrote: What can be done against it? At the moment; very little. The files are already somewhere on the Interwebz and have been redistributed over and over, many times probably even without my knowledge. Though whenever a new update will be released, the healthbar script will be removed from your files, because the checksum doesn't match and I highly doubt that any of you know how to reverse engineer any of the Warband module source.

Thing is, everyone with a basic knowledge of the module system can create that kind of an 'add-on'. Decompiling isn't that hard, and I believe there also is an OSP for health bars floating around somewhere on Taleworlds forums.
I haven't read any of the beef people apparently had over it, but how can you flip so much about something so basic? lol
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2025-03-12 Pride

[Image: NqiKO60.png]
(13-03-2017, 08:56 PM)Krex Wrote:
(13-03-2017, 08:33 PM)Kaasovic Wrote: What can be done against it? At the moment; very little. The files are already somewhere on the Interwebz and have been redistributed over and over, many times probably even without my knowledge. Though whenever a new update will be released, the healthbar script will be removed from your files, because the checksum doesn't match and I highly doubt that any of you know how to reverse engineer any of the Warband module source.

Thing is, everyone with a basic knowledge of the module system can create that kind of an 'add-on'. Decompiling isn't that hard, and I believe there also is an OSP for health bars floating around somewhere on Taleworlds forums.
I haven't read any of the beef people apparently had over it, but how can you flip so much about something so basic? lol

This required some more advanced knowledge, getting it to show up for the right bot required me to hook in to some other files ^^
Just want to point out:
Everyone as in people who aren't a part of ni or play it. Community is small, less than handful have that knowledge and even fewer are willing to use it. Pretty much only Kaasonic and developers here. That's it. Rest of people just play the game.
Looted A Frying Pan 11/25/14
[Image: tbavTdE.jpg]

You shouldn't stop Kaas, you're like an artist. Either way the script is a very fun thing that should be in vanila NI. I hope you won't stop your work on NI. Don't worry about people it should sort out with time!
Hey ; - )

[Image: Geralt]

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