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Swadian Tournament III
Hello Nordinvasion.

This next tournament is scheduled for March 30th (Saturday)

Teams of Three. Each match will be best of five (First to three wins).

If you win First/Second in a Region you cannot play in the other Regions.
Otherwise you are allowed to play in any and all Regions.

To sign up, simply post your character name and ID and who you will be playing with and which region you are planning to attend (you may attend all regions).
If you don't have someone to play with, show up and we might have someone for you to group with.

Atleast one level 52 character
Your account must be older than three months

Regional Rewards:
 First Place: 1 Material Package, 500k Gold.
 Second Place: 1 Material Package, 400k Gold.
 Third Place: 300k Gold.
  (Rewards are Per Player)

The EU event will begin at the following time:

18:00 BST (British Summer Time)
19:00 CEST (Central European Summer Time)
20:00 EEST (Eastern European Summer Time)
10:00 PDT (Pacific Daylight Time)
13:00 EDT (Eastern Daylight Time)
03:00 AEST next day (Australian Eastern Standard Time)

The NA event will begin at the following time:

00:00 BST next day (British Summer Time)
01:00 CEST next day (Central European Summer Time)
02:00 EEST next day (Eastern European Summer Time)
16:00 PDT (Pacific Daylight Time)
19:00 EDT (Eastern Daylight Time)
09:00 AEST next day (Australian Eastern Standard Time)

A Few Guidelines & Other:
Disruptive behavior will most likely get you disqualified.
If you do not show up within thirty minutes of the starting time you will be disqualified from that region. (Time may vary depending on how many people are missing.)
If something urgent comes up on my end and I can't be there to run it, I may postpone parts of or the whole tournament by a week.
We will be using Tournament Gear.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to PM me or post here: Tournament Discussion Thread
Signing up for NA and EU

Dagboy as VLKA_Dagboy: 2527181
Never as Legionnaire: 2528985
Egil as Zwegil: 2527453

Inventor and owner of the Nord Invasion Casino and owner of Egils Pawnshop.

Every Week a new bet:
If you think about quitting:

You need gold? Visit

My steam:
Signing up for EU

Lothar as DB_Lopiki: 2485587
Ather as DB_Ather: 2489671
Lyall as ~CM~Lyall: 2473591

Lyall has some real life action so maybe we can´t participate to the event.

EU ofc and maybe NA

FissiBubble 18608 Sexy_Hooded_Assassin_MP
Berkayys 2523889 BurgerKingWorkerBerkay
Stockfisch 2521238 DB_Stockfisch_RoyalGuard
Legendary Loots: 61

Steam / Shop
Faravin 2525206 DB_Leader
Angar 2510203 Champion_Of_Angar
Schnitzel 2457316 DB_Schnitzel_Pike
Legendary Loots: 80

Wolfpack_Greed 1119
Wolfpack_Yiro_Raven 2527098
DB_Treville 2525337

NA only
EU Part has concluded;

The Winners:
Supreme Champion: Faravin, Angar, Schneitzal
Worthy Adversary: Lothar, Athar, Lyall
Maybe Next Time: FissiBubble, Berkayys, Stockfisch

NA Part is starting in 5 Hours at 7 PM EST
VM inner circle

VM_Sir_Baron 2517999

VM_Sargent_X 2470413

VM_Sargent_Q 2468003

Julia - 2526827
DB_Stockfisch_RoyalGuard 2521238
Imbecile_Swadiant 2527020

23.02.2018 - Brigadine Plated Red 
10.02.2019 - Rupturer
30.12.2019 - Legacy
14.03.2020 - Leviathan's Helmet
05.02.2021 - Illustrious
12.02.2021 - Brigadine plated Red
20.03.2021 - Rending Bolts
21.05.2021 - Pike of Kings
01.06.2024 - Malice
NA Part has concluded
Supreme Champion: Greed, Raven, Treville
Worthy Adversary: X, Q, Baron
Maybe Next Time: Lucien, Julia, Stockfisch

Thanks for coming everyone!
Rewards will be given out as soon as I can bug Kip Big Grin

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