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WoS Event
what the passwored? how can i connect?
Go on the NI teamspeak and join the WoS channal, if you are lucky you get moved. Than you get the password
Legendary Loots: 61

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(31-03-2019, 02:14 PM)Toequemada Wrote: what the passwored? how can i connect?

Do what Stockfisch said Wink

WoS is btw a house event and not an Official Event. Official Event servers are named "NI_Official_Event"

I am hosting one every friday. To apply just look at the Forum and wait till I post the thread Wink
[Image: ZV3CwKL.png] [Image: cHTj01v.png]
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(31-03-2019, 02:14 PM)Toequemada Wrote: what the passwored? how can i connect?

You are more than welcome to join Teamspeak next Sunday and wait there at 2:30pm GMT-0, if there's a spot open we may let you join.

Aurora Blade 23.03.2019
Volundr Greatsword 12/11/2020

Official event times (Praven):

<19:50:13> "Faravin": Normal -9:17
<20:07:55> "Faravin": Hard -15:55

[Image: 2pcM1nK.png]


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