Emails are disabled - for account issues, post in #help on the NI Discord.

How much Xp do you have
(19-03-2019, 01:12 PM)Malong Wrote: Me: 29,991,305
Warden: 15,342,275
Repeater: 2,999,541
MP: 2,879,862
Juggernaut (respeced from RG): 2,051,912
Marauder: 1,316,334
CM: 1,184,957
Legionnaire: 1,148,936
Zweihander: 1,008,813
RG: 1,071,204
Pavise: 987,471

Warden: 16,000,013
MP: 11,232,152
Repeaterman: 7,486,547
Juggernaut (respeced from RG): 2,051,912
Marauder: 1,316,340
CM: 1,184,957
RG: 1,178,822
Legionnaire: 1,148,936
Zweihander: 1,008,813
PC: 987,471
Leveling: 250,476

Voted Friendliest NordInvasion Player

Quote Board is on Discord (last updated 2025.03.03)
"When I feel bad, I read your quote board." - Corndog

Nka: You’re playing it smart, always [using] logic, and they get pissed.
Kaasovic: God, this guy is unbeatable. I feel defeated in every verbal argument we end up in. Good job, Sir.
Odi: Hasn’t [PCK beaten] the game at this point?
13795646xp - Legio
(06-02-2020, 07:19 AM)Julia. Wrote:
Warden 1,359,278 xp
Ranger 1,145,965 xp
Zwei 1,174,146 xp
RG 1,373,880 xp
Legio 15,337,834 xp
2nd Legio 1,569,558 xp
MP 1,078,223 xp
CM 2,566,222 xp
Aven 2,573,079 xp
Pavise 14,204,376 xp
2nd Pavise 2,320,202 xp

In total: 42,129,684 XP

[Image: nqdNojF.png]
[Image: w6ZxTrO.png] Total: Loots: 61 & Upgrades: 36

2018: _1
2019: 15
2020: 17
2021: 15
2022: _8
2023: _1
2024: _2
2025: _2

‌‌ ‌‌Julia's little Armory | Steam
(17-08-2020, 09:49 AM)Julia. Wrote: [Image: nqdNojF.png]

Looks like you are almost In the 16 hero club.

Once you get 16 Ill give you the prize. 

The prize is nothing.
(17-08-2020, 10:52 AM)Woody Wrote:
(17-08-2020, 09:49 AM)Julia. Wrote: [Image: nqdNojF.png]

Looks like you are almost In the 16 hero club.

Once you get 16 Ill give you the prize. 

The prize is nothing.

Ofc theres no price for it, but seriously, my heroes are trial and error (atleast MP, Warden, Ranger). I don't intend to make more heroes in the section of pikeman or archers, I doubled up support to be able to take the support the team needs and the class I want to play. I doubt I'll reach 16 heroes in NI at the current state.
[Image: w6ZxTrO.png] Total: Loots: 61 & Upgrades: 36

2018: _1
2019: 15
2020: 17
2021: 15
2022: _8
2023: _1
2024: _2
2025: _2

‌‌ ‌‌Julia's little Armory | Steam
(17-08-2020, 12:50 PM)Julia. Wrote: Ofc theres no price for it

It is an achievement. An objective thing that not many people have done just like some quests.

The prize Is: You can flex on people that don't even want all the heroes to begin with.   

(17-08-2020, 12:50 PM)Julia. Wrote: I don't intend to make more heroes in the section of pikeman or archers

You said a similar thing years ago when you had fewer heroes.

(17-08-2020, 12:50 PM)Julia. Wrote: I doubt I'll reach 16 heroes in NI at the current state.

I'll agree with that but I would not bet on It.
(17-08-2020, 01:15 PM)Woody Wrote:
(17-08-2020, 12:50 PM)Julia. Wrote: I don't intend to make more heroes in the section of pikeman or archers

You said a similar thing years ago when you had fewer heroes.

Yea I did, and I did this in terms of Heroes. I didn't make any new ones, I only doubled up support since then.
[Image: w6ZxTrO.png] Total: Loots: 61 & Upgrades: 36

2018: _1
2019: 15
2020: 17
2021: 15
2022: _8
2023: _1
2024: _2
2025: _2

‌‌ ‌‌Julia's little Armory | Steam
It's not an achievement. You can do it by just spent enough time leeching, by assist xp only. Not many people did that only because this is pointless.
(17-08-2020, 01:42 PM)Forward Wrote: It's not an achievement. You can do it by just spent enough time leeching, by assist xp only. Not many people did that only because this is pointless.

This will be my only post on the matter.

To say making 16 heroes Is not an achievement Is ridiculous when making your 1st hero Is considered an achievement.
[Image: ab972960540be568a53fa04d0be3c3db.png]

To get all heroes what do you need? Time + Effort + Gold

To complete any quest what do you need? Time + Effort

We can agree with making all 16 heroes Is easier than rise of the ashes time and effort wise. However... Unlike any quest, this is a wealth goal on top of that as It, needs 12m gold. 

Also, what Is easier... 16 heroes or this quest? 

[Image: b85390a684e216ecd46d78a10f647319.png]
Avent: 19,785,222 xp
Warden: 5,646,358 xp
Jugg: 3,327,900 xp
MP: 2,210,012 xp
Sentinel: 1,808,978 xp

all heroes around 1m xp can be ignored due to 52 being at around 930k Xp

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