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Loot Logs
Hello all,

After considerable nagging by certain members of the community, we are proud to reveal a new feature...

Recent Legendary Loot!

This new page, accessible via the "extras" menu will show you what legendary items were looted in the past seven days.

[Image: 97gcAek.png]

As a bonus, it will also show your personally looted legendaries. The record keepers indicate they believe this information will be accurate all the way back to 2014, though with so many weird and wonderful changes, rebuilds and riots over the years, they admit there may be a possibility that some info might be missing in the oldest records. Typical Swadian book keeping.

None the less, we hope that you will enjoy this new feature, and stop nagging poor Kaasovic - he has done your dirty work and deserves a rest.

So, what are you waiting for? Get out on that battlefield and let's see that log fill up!

/Nao & the NI Dev Team
RIP The_Irish_Eagle -- 6 Oct 2024

Slowly being bled dry by NI... Please help me and donate!
[Image: w6ZxTrO.png] Total: Loots: 61 & Upgrades: 36

2018: _1
2019: 15
2020: 17
2021: 15
2022: _8
2023: _1
2024: _2
2025: _2

‌‌ ‌‌Julia's little Armory | Steam
Thanks a lot, quite useful, too see my 2 loots in 6 years :"c
|| My Steam ||
[Image: YNqPp8t.png]
Thats nice thank you!
15.09.2017 Leviathan`s Treads
22.10.2017 Worm Bane
23.12.2017 Gothic Plate
22.04.2018 Defender Boots
20.05.2018 Dragon Halberd
02.09.2018 Defender Boots
07.12.2020 Imperial Halfplate - Blue
11.12.2020 Zephyr
14.02.2021 Studded Gauntlets
13.03.2021 Dragon Arrows
05.03.2022 Heavy Scaled Greaves
14.12.2023 Typhoon
18.05.2024 Gloves of Vidar
07.03.2024 Knight Helmet

Give me your stuff Blame!
(25-11-2020, 05:42 PM)Naozumi Wrote: After considerable nagging by certain members of the community, we are proud to reveal a new feature...
Those people are awesome! Would be nice to meet this plebs.

Thanks for the feature.
Legendary Loots: 82

thank you, allready looked at appstore but didn't find it Big Grin
Legendary Loots: 61

Steam / Shop
Nice reminder to know that I looted 0.

Btw. is selling stuff for $ still forbidden?
[Image: Td5KxhO.gif]
By me :3
Thanks Nao & Kaas!
My Steam: Link
My Shop: Link
Sons of Dhirim: Link
My Loots: 62 (50 unique items, 9 doubles, 3 Essence)
:O Ty guys
Loots: 30

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