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Nordinvasion's aim
I do not agree a full reset would solve anything. As was said before in this topic I believe it will only delay the problem we are facing now. The ladder mode that was suggested means more servers and that's not possible at the moment (as far as I know).

What makes the game boring in my opinion is the constant shieldwalling. A couple of good people stand in the shieldwall with some slashers and archers around it and Odin is probably reached within an hour and a half. The solution to this wouldn't be a full reset, or making hard mode even harder (these things will only make many people ragequit instantly or frustrate new people to hardmode). The solution is to remove or make harder the shieldwalling (by nerfing maps) and offer other playstyles so that the players aren't lost completely and eventually ragequit either way.

Kip's idea of letting the Nords come gradually per wave does appeal to me since it gives us something new to try, but I also think it is not really what the goal NI of should be. Maybe it would be nice to have different playstyles on different maps though? For example, creating one map where the Nords spawn over time in the same wave, and *insert other playstyle* on the other?

I hope I didn't repeat myself too much :\ I tried to give a better view on my ideas after reading other posts in this topic Smile

By the way, I really like the fact that in this mod, people are actively giving their ideas and responding to others and that the devs also regularly check up on these topics Smile

Looking forward to the next patch!
Striker strikes again.

(09-01-2013, 04:32 PM)evildan link Wrote: Also would be great if we could remove pink/unicorn banners from the game. Smile
Even though I'm against resets, I'd take multiple resets to get this done! ;D
Characters: CC_Commando_NickyJ, CC_Ranger_NickyJ, CC_Pikeman_NickyJ, CC_Sharpshooter_NickyJ
Need more enemies with crushthrough - give it to wooden swords and axes and give Morningstars to Mercenary Sergeant.
Need more knock down
Broad shouldered: LatinaHeat
Soft hands: Murrow
Soiled hands: Lantice
Queenie: Phe
Morale Tent: Ailish, Buki, Chasia,
(04-08-2012, 09:06 AM)Legend link Wrote:and you are a sex-object murrow  :Smile (and a guy who's a woman..)
Ranger bows need knockdown and crushthrough.
As a longtime player of NI (with a lvl 52 char. and some alts,) I've all but retired from the mod because of this whole camping Odin grind. I've never had a legendary, and have sunk hundreds of hours in to the mod. The only unique thing my main character owns is a silly/weak donator torch, which I use only because it's like my own personal jokey legendary. I remember when seeing a legendary was awe-inspiring. Now, when I hop on a server, I see countless people decked out in eye-popping amounts of legendary gear. It used to be that a tome or barrel was something that one person owned in the whole mod (Banks *cough* cough*.) Now, every house has multiple of each. The mod didn't get easier, we all did what humans are wired to do, relentlessly pursue the easiest course of action with the most benefit. As a result, we've just learned every *legal* workaround to defeat the mod as quickly as we can.

I would support a full-on reset, hurt feelings be damned. I would also support the prestige idea, as it really may help to alleviate some hurt feelings. Additionally, I would love to see the mod have open field maps w/o camp spots as well, as shielding/camping is BORING (yawn.) What's the point in designing amazing looking maps when they could all essentially be straight funnels into our shield walls?

As I see it, the combo of a full reset, more open maps, and a complete removal of cades/tomes/barrels (flame away... I know) would return the mod to that old feeling of every wave being chaotic, intense, challenging, skill-based, and fun. Getting to prince/Odin/Thor/hell, even through the first respawn wave would mean something again. And, the cherry on top is to LIMIT THE AMOUNT OF LEGENDARIES - PERIOD!! Then, if someone did have a legendary, it could potentially turn the tide of battle.
"Many people die at twenty five and aren't buried until they are seventy five."
-Benjamin Franklin
I too wouldn't mind returning to the more open style NI.

To me, shieldwalls aren't the most ideal kind of teamwork (imo, In warband), as they leave a number of players in your group with the riveting task of standing still holding their rmb. And the rest, if they find a space, use their lmb and stand still. With those remaining either being ranged, medics or afks.

Yes shieldwalls don't have to be stationary, but:
-collision boxes are weird with shields, possible to slip through tiny gaps in shield walls.
-higher wave bots have higher stats and better gear than us, all it takes is one to squeeze through to take out a shielder. Then the whole team is likely to wipe.
-generally the path the moving shield wall takes won't have it's sides covered, bots could just walk around.
-no variable speed of movement + everyone moves at different speeds, hard to keep the shieldwall tight/level.

Doesn't seem reasonable when it's compared to the success rate of a stationary shieldwall. And it would require a high level of teamwork, probably ts to pull off.

But I guess it's because I was a cav for all of old NI, so I never experienced it from the other perspectives. So old NI looks all shiny and tantalising with it's open-ness and lack of shieldwalls.

Though the group kiting was pretty cool (think overgrown), it too got pretty boring (it was only one map though.).

So I guess I would like to see different maps, some with a shielding emphasis, some with a more open style.
But it would require a lot of effort to stop the open ones being soloed. So this is unlikely to happen.

I'm going to ride it out till the next patch. From what I've heard, going to be epic.

Nothing is impossible, it's just a matter of determination and probability.

2nd Knight forever!

No longer active.
There've been many talks about making playstyle more open; and adding something for players who're at their max lvl.

About current playstyle, "shieldwalling" is boring, why? Answer is simple; it removes Mount&Blade's strongest side: melee fights; dodging, blocking, attacking to the part of enemies body where you see an opening; it takes away the essence of warband unfortunately. It's all holding shields and attacking over shielders(thats probably why i rush on nords sometimes and end up dead Big Grin). I agree that we need more open playstyle and some "real" melee fights.

About adding something to do after max lvl; how about making it more like crpg(it's been a while i play that one btw) as its mentioned by someone before. Add an option at site which resets your lvl back to 1 but gives you a "legendary point". And with that points, let players to but legendaries again from the site. Make cheap legendaries like dragon axe buyable for 1 legendary point, make mediocre legendaries like dragon halberd-sun pike-Aurora-Ek maybe for 2 legendary points; and finally make superb ones like ags-vgs etc. buyable for 3 legendary points. Let players to stock those points and level up to max lvl as many times as they want. That way legendaries can became easier to obtain for players who work their way up for it and that can give people something to do after reaching the max lvl. Ohh and dont forget to reduce drop chance if you do something like that Tongue.

Hehehe anyways nice topic= it's been a while i talk about those issues Smile. Lets see what devs prepared for us at next patch Smile.
Attack of the smileys! Beware!
Yeah, I've suggested something similar before,

But maybe legendary points aren't the right way.

They could however give you a pheonix feather (remove them from the MP and buff tier 18 crafts).

But we would need a new gold sink.
Nothing is impossible, it's just a matter of determination and probability.

2nd Knight forever!

No longer active.
That is partially not near sanity. Level up my character for hours and hours of gameplay, seeing it becoming stronger and shinier, only to reset the charakter to become.. what? an extra skill point? more wpfs? a legendary?

Whatever, this takes out a lot of fun again and anticipates grinding even more.

To circumvent this, do not let your charakter get reseted, instead open up the levels beyond to an insane amount of experience, and get there your extra" whatever". E.g. For Reaching Level 53 i would need 2Mio xp. for level 54 make it 5Mio.. or even higher if that seems too less.

Then again make the reward of reaching that high levels tiny and puny so you do not get too overpowered, but DO NOT let the players reset their own chars.

Point made i guess .=9
Wusel @ Omnia

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