21-04-2013, 08:43 AM
Since most lower level players end up staying behind the cades and mostly doing nothing and just getting xp, we should invent a new difficulty server for them ! That would be great for redshirts and other lesser skilled people. Anyways we already have Hard, Normal and soon Ragnarok (Very hard / extreme), so why should we not have an "easy" difficulty level.
I already have some ideas for the enemies
Wave 1 (mixed): Nord Fistfighter , Nord Slave, Nord Weak Peasant
Wave 2 (Special): Nord Angry Mob (has torches) / Nord Female militia
Wave 3 (mixed) : Nord Rock Thrower, Nord Fistfighters, Nord Merchant
Wave 4 (boss wave) : Nord wounded soldiers, Nord Torturer (Boss)
Wave 5 (mixed): Evil man, Unexperienced bounty hunter, Nord hunter (Short bow archers)
Wave 6 (special): Nord Brave Men, Armored fistfighters
Wave 7: (mixed) : Evil man, Nord Hunter, Nord Hammer wielder, Nord suicider
Wave 8: (Boss wave): Bounty hunters , Nord Master (Boss)
Wave 9 (mixed) : Armored peasant, Nord (wannabe) mage ((throws sticks), Nord sailor, Nord hunters
Wave 10 (special) : Nord Angry woodcutter / Crazed Slave / Armored Townsmen
Wave 11 (mixed) : Nord hunters, Bounty hunters, Evil men, Nordic Ninja (throws small knives)
Wave 12 (boss wave): Horseless riders, Nord Knight (without horse)
Wave 13 (mixed): Nord miner (pickaxe), Nord shielder (heavy board shields but no armor), Nord Archer, Nord Mage
Wave 14(Special): Nord spearmen / Nord Thrower / Armsman (heavy armor,extremely slow, bad weapon)
Wave 15(mixed) : Nord Shielder, Nord Archer, Angry mob, Nord Regular, Nord Miner
Wave 16(Boss Wave): Nord Bodyguard, Nord archers, Executioner (Boss)
Wave 17(mixed):Mysterious Man, Nord Smasher, Swordsman, Caravan Guard, Nord Soldier, Nord Archers
Wave 18(special): Nord Armed Engineer / Trained Guard / Nord Crossbowmen /
Wave 19 (mixed): Nord Archers, Nord Shielders, Swordsman, Nord Spearman, Poacher, Heavy Soldier
Wave 20( boss / last wave): Nord General (boss, drops weak legendary?), Nord Master Archer, General's Guard
EDIT: added wave 13 to 20.
What do you guys think ? Please post your opinion on the subject not just vote and forget about this D:
I already have some ideas for the enemies
Wave 1 (mixed): Nord Fistfighter , Nord Slave, Nord Weak Peasant
Wave 2 (Special): Nord Angry Mob (has torches) / Nord Female militia
Wave 3 (mixed) : Nord Rock Thrower, Nord Fistfighters, Nord Merchant
Wave 4 (boss wave) : Nord wounded soldiers, Nord Torturer (Boss)
Wave 5 (mixed): Evil man, Unexperienced bounty hunter, Nord hunter (Short bow archers)
Wave 6 (special): Nord Brave Men, Armored fistfighters
Wave 7: (mixed) : Evil man, Nord Hunter, Nord Hammer wielder, Nord suicider
Wave 8: (Boss wave): Bounty hunters , Nord Master (Boss)
Wave 9 (mixed) : Armored peasant, Nord (wannabe) mage ((throws sticks), Nord sailor, Nord hunters
Wave 10 (special) : Nord Angry woodcutter / Crazed Slave / Armored Townsmen
Wave 11 (mixed) : Nord hunters, Bounty hunters, Evil men, Nordic Ninja (throws small knives)
Wave 12 (boss wave): Horseless riders, Nord Knight (without horse)
Wave 13 (mixed): Nord miner (pickaxe), Nord shielder (heavy board shields but no armor), Nord Archer, Nord Mage
Wave 14(Special): Nord spearmen / Nord Thrower / Armsman (heavy armor,extremely slow, bad weapon)
Wave 15(mixed) : Nord Shielder, Nord Archer, Angry mob, Nord Regular, Nord Miner
Wave 16(Boss Wave): Nord Bodyguard, Nord archers, Executioner (Boss)
Wave 17(mixed):Mysterious Man, Nord Smasher, Swordsman, Caravan Guard, Nord Soldier, Nord Archers
Wave 18(special): Nord Armed Engineer / Trained Guard / Nord Crossbowmen /
Wave 19 (mixed): Nord Archers, Nord Shielders, Swordsman, Nord Spearman, Poacher, Heavy Soldier
Wave 20( boss / last wave): Nord General (boss, drops weak legendary?), Nord Master Archer, General's Guard
EDIT: added wave 13 to 20.
What do you guys think ? Please post your opinion on the subject not just vote and forget about this D:
Only people who don't deserve legendaries loot them. - YuriTheRed
I looted 3 legendaries so this is most definitely true.
I looted 3 legendaries so this is most definitely true.