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Rollback Incoming
My problem is just the lost time while i was aware of these bugs and making no profit out of them.
I dont care about my gold or items, but the xp made in my short spare time.
Its no fun to loose them so short before reaching one of your goals (leveling up do heay longbowmen, and i am 1 lvl away right now) when you work 11-14 hours per day with maybe, if you are lucky, one free weekend per month.
I understand that you cant sort out who used the bugs and who not.
But that rollback just sucks if you have now only a few hours per day left to get to that point again.
I know you wont change your mind and thats just the point of view from someone with nearly no life because of his job (and no, its not that easy to get out there. i wish it was).
Oh I'm curious about why there are so few soldiers on the battlefield now, and then I found the answer ;D
Still get no body armor cuz I cannot afford another new one now. All my money gone with the new pack of bow/arrow/armor/2h the day before yesterday, and then I found I cannot use some of them them anymore :-\
BTW, I post this thread mainly to check the timezone difference between the forum and PST Tongue
Just wanted to thank hande for coming into some servers and warning players while they were playing =D nice of him to save my time.  Big Grin
(30-01-2012, 10:22 PM)_666_ link Wrote: That means I am going to lose my new grinder helmet and my 3000x Heavy Throwing Axes?  Wink
hello bug user~

(31-01-2012, 12:32 AM)Bilbo link Wrote: Just wanted to thank hande for coming into some servers and warning players while they were playing =D nice of him to save my time.  Big Grin
lol every time before you login the character page you should check the forum first to know these explosive news :Smile
The rollback has been completed, a large amount of the craftable/new items from 0.3.2 are not included currently, however they will be gradually re-introduced over the coming week(s). We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Hope this was the last time for something like this, lost over 40K assist exp, 60K gold, grinder helmet from one character, and another has to reclaim 5 more class points for Heavybow again, killing me.  But I love this game so I'll waste another weekend if need be I guess.
Only as good as the man to your left and right.  See your enemies driven before you!
Did you have to revert to an older backup than last night? My character is gone completely.
Yeah this one is more then a few days...
Only as good as the man to your left and right.  See your enemies driven before you!
I understand that you are working hard for developing and maintaining this game. Thank you for that..
Because of the rollback, I lost about 100.000 worth of gold and stuff and 12000 xp all of which was earned by working hard. (before whatever happened with the db)
If possible, I ask that to be added to my character. The reason I ask is that, I don't want to do it again, it will be too boring to do it again for me and I will probably quit the game. 
Better still.. My advice is that you could make a thread for doing this en-masse for players who want it to be done so it won't be much fuss for you.. Just trust the players and compensate them according to their appeal..
An example of appeal can be:

Player Name:
Lost worth of goods in gold:
Lost xp:
What was lost basically: (for information)

My appeal:
Player name: Phalangite_Dragon
Lost worth of goods in gold: 100.000
Lost xp: 12000 cav xp (never mind the rest)
What was lost: About 50.000 gold , 5 shade ore, 13 steel, some stuff in the market.

I guess probably just compensating the reported lost worth of gold and xp to a player will be OK for most players and easy to implement for you..

This was one hell of a rollback. I lost 16,000k melee xp, earned within the last two days (without quests). So now back to the world of Heavy Infantry and not being able to kill anything on my own. I understand the rollback was required to save the market but... it's just very disheartening to really work at a goal (Sargeant, for me), reach it and have it taken away from you the next day.

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