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Rollback Incoming
Oh my god you people are ridiculous. Of cause it hurts to lose gained things but what happened, happened. You say you wasted a weekend. Well maybe you should not play computer all weekend. This is a beta. Things like this happen in betas. How do you think the admins should give legal items and xp back? Sorting through the history of over 3k player files? Impossible. dragons idea is even better. Just give everybody what he claims he had. Sure. I had 2 million more xp, 10 heads of hande and a sack of the finest swadian weed. Just accept things like they are, bad luck for everybody not only for you. Live with it. There is no other real solution than a rollback, all mentioned ideas are not rational.
Okey guys. Sorry if you have lost your account or some items you got yesterday by loot, but this was only way to deal with.

(31-01-2012, 06:35 AM)ettarkcaSuD link Wrote: Oh my god you people are ridiculous. Of cause it hurts to lose gained things but what happened, happened. You say you wasted a weekend. Well maybe you should not play computer all weekend. This is a beta. Things like this happen in betas. How do you think the admins should give legal items and xp back? Sorting through the history of over 3k player files? Impossible. dragons idea is even better. Just give everybody what he claims he had. Sure. I had 2 million more xp, 10 heads of hande and a sack of the finest swadian weed. Just accept things like they are, bad luck for everybody not only for you. Live with it. There is no other real solution than a rollback, all mentioned ideas are not rational.
Indeed. There was no way to do it manualy.

Now if you guys just keep whining, I'm afraid I must lock this thread. So behave !
10 $ admin' s and admin's friends get there stuff back am i right?
30383 Ranged XP lost and over 19k Gold.
From close to lvl28 back to 20.
OK, thats to much...
Back to square one for me isn't it eh? Just when I started getting even some kills and proper equipment ;( well hope this won't happen too often...
(31-01-2012, 06:42 AM)Hande link Wrote: Now if you guys just keep whining, I'm afraid I must lock this thread. So behave !

Yeah, I'm done. It's clear the admins and devs are only listening to the people kissing up to them and are ignoring the people like me who spent a lot of time this weekend grinding (before sunday database errors) only to have the progress undone. It's clear to me that my time is not valued by the people running this game. And dismissing genuine concerns and anger as "whining" Hande is a great way to alienate your already segmented player base.

It's too bad because this was a fun mod when I started playing. But I can't continue playing it knowing that the devs are perfectly willing to ignore me when a genuine problem they cause affects my playing experience in a severely negative way.

We weren't asking for free stuff, we simply wanted compensation for all the lost time. If none of this data base crap happened I might have been on lvl 39 or maybe even 40. But now my entire weekend was waisted and my character is back at 36 where he started out this weekend. Pretty lame guys. If you're not going to value the time I spend playing your game, then I hate to say it but you're forcing me to stop playing your game.

Goodbye Nord Invasion. It was fun (for the most part) while it lasted...
Yes lets all rage over a mod that is free and is developed in the free time of the devs (who to my knowledge all work) ,  because the devs are forcing me to play their free game 34 hours every weekend not letting me go out and do other things.
    I just don't understand why people would complain about wasted time, the game is suppose to be fun, and people have no right to complain unless they pay for the mod.
(31-01-2012, 06:35 AM)ettarkcaSuD link Wrote: Oh my god you people are ridiculous. Of cause it hurts to lose gained things but what happened, happened. You say you wasted a weekend. Well maybe you should not play computer all weekend. This is a beta. Things like this happen in betas. How do you think the admins should give legal items and xp back? Sorting through the history of over 3k player files? Impossible. dragons idea is even better. Just give everybody what he claims he had. Sure. I had 2 million more xp, 10 heads of hande and a sack of the finest swadian weed. Just accept things like they are, bad luck for everybody not only for you. Live with it. There is no other real solution than a rollback, all mentioned ideas are not rational.

What I suggested is this: Player X reports that he lost 100.000 gold and 12000 xp in 3 lines of text. There are 100 players like that. The dev goes to the db and does 2 updates manually spending probably 30 seconds-1min for each player. It is about 24 hours of work for the player and 1 min for the dev. 100 players means about say 1200 hours.  and it is only about 1 hour for the dev.

About trusting the number the player provided: I don't think anyone will report that he lost 1000.000 xp. If they do report an unbelievable number then simply don't do it.

There is nothing to convince here, you or the devs can look it in anyway they want. But, correcting a mistake you have made that is reported to ruin the fun of the game for some players (according to their reality) would win the respect of the players. For me, I would like the continue playing the game knowing that my time as a player is valued, and there is trust in the community.

I personally know that mistakes like these are perfectly natural to happen. How to deal with such mistakes will change the consequences (how the mod will work out)

Some players could have acted in an aggressive way to this event. This simply shows their feelings, it doesn't have to mean anything about the devs. Dealing with user feelings is very important because people play games because of their feelings, not because of how logical a game is.

The solution I offered both respects the time of the devs and the player. The devs are doing a very good job, and they provide the game to us for free. And the players come here to have fun. I suggested a way that would cost minimum to the devs and preserve the fun for many players. For this reason, this suggestion is good for the mod in my personal opinion.

Bye for now.
I waste lot of time for  become commando with everthink and now im sergent and i need to waste other a lot of my time for become again commando with everthink
All I want to know is, how to compensate.

New player have a few damage.
Older player(who play this MOD so much) have much damage.

Do you understand this point?
Do you want to abandon older players?

If you won't show the compensate plan,  ppl won't play this MOD anymore...

Is this whining? I don't think so.

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