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NI pet hates?
The only new player I've had the pleasure of playing with when we didn't have many high level players was very friendly and happy to learn. I'm hoping he/she liked the mod and that I gave said person a good first impression, I guess.

On topic= though, same as what's been said. Saving and all that. First time someone said 'Save' I asked what that meant, because I wanted to know so as not to be a bother on the team and voila, I learned. I wish more people shared that willingness to learn but.. A few bad apples spoil the bunch I guess.
The above post is Dicey.
Someone that dies and blames you for it Saying you blocked them in
when their sheilding against 20+ eastern adventures and get barraged like a watermellon in a shooting range
I hate everyone that's not me that gets a drop
Has anyone tried asking the Nords to just be friends yet?
One of my main pet hates has to be the tools which stand in front of shooters constantly

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