22-09-2014, 06:41 PM
Well the last Tower Shield was sold for 9mil maybe a little bit more 
And as for the Sun Pike maybe that could be around 6 - 8.

And as for the Sun Pike maybe that could be around 6 - 8.
"I'm the DB Captain I deserve a spot in events" - Faravin 2k16
"I am training my biceps, my finger biceps" - Faravin 2k16
Legendary Drops:
Jormungandr - 29th September 2014
Barbutte With Coif - 9th October 2014
"I am training my biceps, my finger biceps" - Faravin 2k16
Legendary Drops:
Jormungandr - 29th September 2014
Barbutte With Coif - 9th October 2014