05-11-2014, 08:59 PM
[quote]Character ID: 2490569
Level and Class of Main: lvl 52 Pikeman
Craft profession and level: surgeon
Do you have TeamSpeak3 and a Mic: only teamspeak
Do you have steam, if yes; what's your steam name: cihan721
What's your time zone and where are you from:The Netherlands
Why do you want to join us: i want to join events and play with a house [/quote
Level and Class of Main: lvl 52 Pikeman
Craft profession and level: surgeon
Do you have TeamSpeak3 and a Mic: only teamspeak
Do you have steam, if yes; what's your steam name: cihan721
What's your time zone and where are you from:The Netherlands
Why do you want to join us: i want to join events and play with a house [/quote