09-01-2015, 06:36 PM
Player name:[Garreth]
Character ID:[2503099]
Alt/s:[Deis LVL 45 Commando, Ereis LVL 42 Sniper, Anthxas LVL 37 Man-at-Arms ]
Level of Main:[50]
Class of Main:[Pikeman]
Do you have TS3 and a Mic:[Yes]
Steam Name:[Deis]
Character ID:[2503099]
Alt/s:[Deis LVL 45 Commando, Ereis LVL 42 Sniper, Anthxas LVL 37 Man-at-Arms ]
Level of Main:[50]
Class of Main:[Pikeman]
Do you have TS3 and a Mic:[Yes]
Steam Name:[Deis]