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WTC Swadian Surcoat Overmail
I've got all the mats, but some need to be crafted from resources

Mats i've got:
40 x Basic Leather (40 hardenedleather)
10 x Silk ( 10 hardleather)
6 x Hardened Leather (6 recipe)
15 x Construction Tools (15pme)
30 x Heavy Cloth (30pme)
9 x Coal (9perfm)
30 x Shade Ore (30 perfm)
6 x Black Steel (6perfm)
3 x Sulphur (3perfm)
91 x Hardened Metal (15 perfM, 40recipe , 36 platemail
72 x Chain (15 CL +27perfm)
75 x Chain Links (50 recipe+ 25 platemail +15platemail(45chain))

3 x Perfected Metal (30 Shade 6 BSteel 9 Coal 9Chainlinks=27Chain 15constructtools 30hvycloth 3sulphur 15hm)
50 x Chain Links 50/50
8 x Hardened Leather 6/8 + mats for 2x (40 leather+10silk)
40 x Hardened Metal 40/40
4 x Plate Mail (40CL + 36hm)

1 x Swadian Surcoat Overmail

I'll also give you 2000 gold for your cicrumstances for crafting the ressources into mats and the 500 for the invitation

Thanks in advance (ID is 8803)

Messages In This Thread
WTC Swadian Surcoat Overmail - by Kriegstofu - 05-02-2015, 08:31 PM

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