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Nord/Swadian Relic System & Town System
So i have two simple concepts here.

1. All nords and bosses can drop things called relics or some variation. The main thing with these is that they can only be sold to the marketplace and give a certain amount of gold. These will vary from mode to mode and how much cash they give. They can have different names and ect to show their value. Then their are swadian relic which are worth more also dropped from nords and higher chances from bosses that just sell for more then nord ones. (If i need to make this more clear please tell me) Something in the game that is already like this would be sparkly necklaces as most players just sell them to the marketplace already.

2. Swadian towns would be something on the website not ingame. With this it would be a account only thing, not per character. With this you could get certain drops in any mode, like wood, glass, steel ect. (These would have diffrent names from the stuff that is already in game.) These would also be new drops in the game. (Mainly so people who are rich or already are sitting on a lot of this cant just max it out at the start.) These would have a decent drop chance like 10-25% of every nord other then bosses. But take in the thousands to craft certain buildings. These buildings can produce normal mats like steel, wood and the good ones can produce gold. Some will produce daily and others will only be once a week. These would not produce massive amounts of mats but enough to be worth doing. And some buildings will require gold + these special mats. This could just be another aspect of NI and does require playing the game in order to reap the rewards of.

The buildings for this would have tiers like steel smith > steel foundry > steel factory etc. (with more era correct names.)

I understand that both of these would be hard to balance in the game. And the town system would be a pain to add to the site.
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Nord/Swadian Relic System & Town System - by monstersti - 25-04-2015, 11:48 AM

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