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Wanting Striped Armor
I will happily make the armour plates, straps and silk for you when you have the mats. And eventually the armour when you have everything.

The striped armour requires:
20 x Armor Plate (0 / 20)
15 x Strap (0 / 15)
5 x Silk (0 / 5)
10 x Oil (0 / 10)
2 x Dye (0 / 2)
4 x Quality Charcoal (0 / 4)

1x Armour Plate=
1 x Quality Charcoal (0 / 1)
3 x Hardened Metal (0 / 3)

1x Strap=
3 x Heavy Cloth (0 / 3)
1 x Fine Needle (0 / 1)

1x Silk=
3 x Heavy Cloth (0 / 3)
1 x Hydra Leaf (0 / 1)
1 x Fine Needle (0 / 1)

This means that you will require in total:
80x Hardend Metal
24x Quality Charcoal
60x Heavy Cloth
15x Hydra Leaf
20x Fine Needle
50x Spurn berry
14x Sturdy Wood
2x Quality Candle
6x Nem Flower

Messages In This Thread
Wanting Striped Armor - by Talgion_Cheeseliker - 29-04-2012, 03:57 AM
Re: Wanting Striped Armor - by clickeverywhere - 29-04-2012, 05:03 AM
Re: Wanting Striped Armor - by Jeremiah_the_12th - 29-04-2012, 10:32 AM
Re: Wanting Striped Armor - by crimson_bloodshed - 06-07-2012, 03:14 AM
Re: Wanting Striped Armor - by sepsis - 06-07-2012, 03:56 AM

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