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Some suggestions and sort of mini complaints
The first one i have found VERY annoying.  by that i mean i have been fighting several nords at once, Blocked the one right in front of me, only to have the one behind him swing through the first one and kill me.  Not sure how it happens but it happens more times than i care to count.

Huscarls,  I'm not sure that they do have very high accuracy.  Rather i think they have a lot of them shooting and a lot of luck hitting when they do.

ATM I do not like the house trading change.  Right now the only real reason to be in any given house on the website is for trading.  Changing that will just end up killing houses even more.

Allowing us to change the name or the message for joining would be nice.

I don't like the house crafting idea.  I think that if people don't trust the house leader,  they probably shouldn't be in that house.

Drops are never going to be perfect.  only thing that can be done is try and balance them for the prices that seem set.  I agree though that HM needs to drop more.

Understand this are just my views.  I have not talked to anyone else about this.
Steam name:  Sargeant Q

Messages In This Thread
Re: Some suggestions and sort of mini complaints - by Sargent Q - 28-06-2015, 06:44 PM

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