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Some suggestions and sort of mini complaints
Hey all thanks for the replies, It's nice to see some people feel the same way, I know there was a little confusion behind the house inventory one I just wanted to put it out there as I feel this way is a way to reduce the risk of potentially being scammed, or trying to scam your self. Example, every item that you 'Donate' to the house, goes into it, ANYONE can LOAN items like weapons and armor, but if they try to leave the house, or are removed from the house that item(s) will automatically be returned too the house. I understand this may not be possible, as each item would need their own individual code to determine who is who, I'm not a web developer so I don't know how easy or hard a system where every time a drop is given to a certain M&B key E.G. 12345-523-6-25 (Not a real key just spammed letters Tongue) The system recognizes who's item that is so they can remove the item from the inventory they have to.

The way the system works now is not something I'm personally a fan of, I'd like this purely because this way if someone steals an item from a house because they've put in a certain amount for an item but aren't willing to wait, or think they are being scammed, they can simply remove their items, there would be a button that says retrieve all click it, get all of their stuff back, if the house doesn't have the mats to cover it, than any deposited into the inventory before that person leaves will automatically go to that person, If they are removed they can send a PM to an admin or developer dev can check logs, and ban the house leader and captains.

An id system could be the CD key "12345-523-6-25 " has all of their items generated to say 123450 ID this then means that if they donated it anything with 123450 id that is recalled the person with the CD Key "12345-523-6-25 " gets their items back.
Another thing is you could bring in a deposit bank for the house, where the house has to donate says 100x HM, 10x scales of fafnir 10x lump etc before that item can be activated, atleast 10x every item OR 100x HM before people can store HM that can be retrieved, if there is 99 and you put in 15 of that, you can retrieve once it gets to 100 or something, it is hard to explain and even harder to make sound like a good idea, but you have to try to improve things even if they sound bad haha.

As for what Sgt Q said about dodgy leaders, let's face it there are leaders out there who would sell their house out if it meant getting bank, which is why I personally feel that the LOAN/Borrow inventory eliminates the risk of this happening, at anytime the owner can recall their item, if the owner of any items is removed from the house, any of his or her items will automatically be returned to him/hers.

There are possibly going to be loop holes where people can 'scam or even potentially duplicate' but anyone caught doing so who abuses it and doesn't just accidentally discover it is quite simply banned I mean there are probably ways to duplicate today or something that no-one has found yet that I'm sure would be banned if they were caught doing it.

I know I said everyone is welcome too their opinions I just wanted to go into a little more detail on the house inventory in particular just purely because I wrote that at 3am and was really tired haha.
I just wanted to try to explain the systems a little better. Smile

Winters as for the loot system, I completely understand, It just feels like a waste of time especially if you're kiting (I know devs don't like it Tongue) or just have a couple of people on trying to get a run started. I mean you don't have to over haul the loot system I just meant for mostly the challange waves that drop nothing on some spawns, like even just increasing from 1x bent sword on Sgts (Hard wave 2 sometimes) to say 10x Bent Swords, or 2x chain or something that makes them not seem like a waste.

Thanks for reading, sorry to go on and on I just felt like I needed to elaborate a little more. Smile Sorry.
Loots - 8

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Re: Some suggestions and sort of mini complaints - by Jugg - 28-06-2015, 11:51 PM

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