23-09-2017, 03:17 AM
Player name: Moustafar
Age: 31
Character ID: 2483649
Alt/s: Oiseau_Oiseau
Level of Main: 52
Class of Main: Master Peltast
Do you have TS3 and a Mic: Yes to both
Region: North America
Steam Name: Oiseau Oiseau
If I can add anything, I really liked what I heard on TS during the event today. Loved the friendly atmosphere.
Age: 31
Character ID: 2483649
Alt/s: Oiseau_Oiseau
Level of Main: 52
Class of Main: Master Peltast
Do you have TS3 and a Mic: Yes to both
Region: North America
Steam Name: Oiseau Oiseau
If I can add anything, I really liked what I heard on TS during the event today. Loved the friendly atmosphere.
Moustafar - Master_Pleb
Oiseau_Oiseau - Royal_AFKer
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Moustafar - Master_Pleb
Oiseau_Oiseau - Royal_AFKer
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