Well if you like to play with cheap "medium" tier legendary/craftable gear than go on.
In my opinion it's a bit unfair that some people getting 1+ legendaries after playing for short time or regularly gettin at least 1+ legendary item every month while other players who played for such a long time got nothing but shitty cheap mats.
It was fun to play for some time, gatherin stuff, leveling up char, crafting stuff, but there is moment where "unlucky" people just can't progress further and basically there is no point in playing if you can't loot.
Collecting enough gold/mats to craft cool house craftable item is very time-consuming too.
In my opinion it's a bit unfair that some people getting 1+ legendaries after playing for short time or regularly gettin at least 1+ legendary item every month while other players who played for such a long time got nothing but shitty cheap mats.
It was fun to play for some time, gatherin stuff, leveling up char, crafting stuff, but there is moment where "unlucky" people just can't progress further and basically there is no point in playing if you can't loot.
Collecting enough gold/mats to craft cool house craftable item is very time-consuming too.
By me :3